scgupta / asr-wer-bench

Workbench for benchmarking Word Error Rate (WER) of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems on a given data set.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Essential OS Packages


$ apt-get -y install tree build-essential cmake sox libsox-dev \
    libfftw3-dev libatlas-base-dev liblzma-dev libbz2-dev libzstd-dev \
    apt-utils gcc libpq-dev libopenblas-dev \
    libsndfile1 libsndfile-dev libsndfile1-dev libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev


$ brew install cmake boost eigen

Download and install SCTK/sclite

Workbench uses sclite command from SCTK, the NIST Scoring Toolkit. Clone the source, and building using the instructions given in GitGub repo.

Check that sclite is in your path:

$ which sclite


Clone repo:

$ git clone

$ cd asr-wer-bench
$ export ASR_WER_BENCH_DIR=`pwd`

Python 3.6.5 or above is required. Set Python virtual environment:

$ python3 -m venv ./.venv
$ source ./.venv/bin/activate

# For CPU machine
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

# For GPU machine
$ pip install -r requirements-gpu.txt

Audio test data:

$ ls -l $ASR_WER_BENCH_DIR/data/en-US/audio

Build KenLM Language Model

Popular Language Model.

NOT NEEDED in current setup for DeepSpeech and wav2letter.

Build kenlm package from GitHub source:

$ git clone
$ cd kenlm
$ export KENLM_ROOT_DIR=`pwd`

$ mkdir -p build
$ cd build
$ make -j 4

$ cd ..

Build KenLM model:

$ mkdir -p $ASR_WER_BENCH_DIR/models/kenlm/en-US/
$ cd $ASR_WER_BENCH_DIR/models/kenlm/en-US/

$ curl -LO
$ gunzip

$ $KENLM_ROOT_DIR/build/bin/build_binary trie 4-gram.bin

Audio Test Data

Audio files for testing are expected to be in a single directory. Each test sample is in a pair of files:

  • audio file: <filename>.wav
  • transcript: <filename>.txt

A sample set is provided in ./data/en-US/audio/ directory.

Test Data Preparation

Currently, there are limitations on the length of the audio and transcription clips.

Benchmark runs only on test cases (and filter out the rest):

  • Audio clip shorter than 30 sec
  • Reference transcript shorter than 620 chars and with 2 or more words


Download Models

Models are expected to be in:

  • Mozilla DeepSpeech: $ASR_WER_BENCH_DIR/models/deepspeech/<model-file-name>.{pbmm, scorer}

Please save the models in that location or create soft links. You can also download official pre-trained models:

$ mkdir -p $ASR_WER_BENCH_DIR/models/deepspeech/en-US/
$ cd $ASR_WER_BENCH_DIR/models/deepspeech/en-US/

$ curl -LO
$ curl -LO


# Verify DeepSpeech download
$ deepspeech \
  --model models/deepspeech/en-US/deepspeech-0.8.1-models.pbmm \
  --scorer models/deepspeech/en-US/deepspeech-0.8.1-models.scorer \
  --audio data/en-US/audio/2830-3980-0043.wav

# Expected transcript
$ cat data/en-US/audio/2830-3980-0043.txt

Run Test Bench

To run WER bench for DeepSpeech:

$ PYTHONPATH=. python3 werbench/asr/ --engine deepspeech \
  --model-path-prefix <model dir + model filename prefix> \
  --input-dir <wav txt data dir> \
  --output-path-prefix <output file prefix>

For Example:

$ PYTHONPATH=. python3 werbench/asr/ --engine deepspeech \
  --model-path-prefix ./models/deepspeech/en-US/deepspeech-0.8.1-models \
  --input-dir ./data/en-US/audio \
  --output-path-prefix ./deepspeech-out

This will generate ./deepspeech-out.ref and ./deepspeech-out.hyp files.

Generate sclite Report

To generate sclite report:

$ sclite -r deepspeech-out.ref trn -h deepspeech-out.hyp trn -i rm

To generate detailed sclite report:

$ sclite -r deepspeech-out.ref trn -h deepspeech-out.hyp trn -i rm -o dtl

Facebook Wav2Letter

Download Models

You can down load pre-trained 2av2letter models from Facebook:

$ mkdir -p $ASR_WER_BENCH_DIR/models/wav2letter/en-US
$ cd $ASR_WER_BENCH_DIR/models/wav2letter/en-US

$ wget
$ wget
$ wget
$ wget


Run Test Bench in the Docker

The easiest way to run Wav2Letter is to run the docker images provided by Facebook Flashlight project.

To run inference on a CPU machine, get CPU docker image:

$ docker pull flml/flashlight:cpu-latest

To run on GPU machine, you must use nvidia-docker:

$ docker pull flashlight flml/flashlight:cuda-latest

Run the docker with asr-wer-bench mounted as a volume:

$ docker run -v $ASR_WER_BENCH_DIR:/root/asr-wer-bench --rm -itd --name flashlight flml/flashlight:cpu-latest

$ docker exec -it flashlight bash

This will get you in a shell in the docker Set the workbench dir inside the docker:

$ export ASR_WER_BENCH_DIR=/root/asr-wer-bench

Install the requirements:

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

TODO: A docker image to include only py packages needed for wav2letter and sclite, so that installing the requirements.txt is not needed and sclite can be run from within the docker image.

Run Test Bench

First select the language model and wav2letter model you want to use:

$ cd $ASR_WER_BENCH_DIR/models/wav2letter/en-US

$ ln -s lm_common_crawl_small_4gram_prun0-6-15_200kvocab.bin lm.bin
$ ln -s am_conformer_ctc_stride3_letters_25Mparams.bin model.bin

Go back to the asr-wer-bench dir, and run the benchmark :


$ PYTHONPATH=. python3 werbench/asr/ --engine wav2letter \
  --model-path-prefix <model dir> \
  --input-dir <wav txt data dir> \
  --output-path-prefix <output file prefix>

For Example:

$ PYTHONPATH=. python3 werbench/asr/ --engine wav2letter \
  --model-path-prefix ./models/wav2letter/en-US \
  --input-dir ./data/en-US/audio \
  --output-path-prefix ./wav2letter-out

This will generate:

  • Reference transcripts: ./wav2letter-out.ref
  • Hypothesis transcripts: ./wav2letter-out.hyp
  • Performance report: ./wav2letter-out.perf
  • Timestamp splits for each test sample: ./wav2letter-out-timestamps/*-ts.txt

The timestamp files contain following tuples in Audacity Labels format, separated by tabs: <start-timestamp end-timestamp word>

Exit the docket shell.

Generate sclite Report

To generate sclite report:

$ sclite -r wav2letter-out.ref trn -h wav2letter-out.hyp trn -i rm

To generate detailed sclite report:

$ sclite -r wav2letter-out.ref trn -h wav2letter-out.hyp trn -i rm -o dtl

© 2020-21 Slang Labs Private Limited. All rights reserved.


Workbench for benchmarking Word Error Rate (WER) of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems on a given data set.

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 77.6%Language:Python 22.4%Language:Shell 0.0%