scfurl / mutCaller

call mutations in 10X data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Pipeline for extracting variants from single cell genomics data


mutCaller is a command line tool written in Rust for identifying SNVs in single cell data that contains a cell barcode (CB) and UMI such as 10X genomics data files. With mutCaller, you can supply variants (VCF file support coming), and obtain a counts file of the number of variants that map to your query and their associated cell-barcodes and umis. mutCaller using the takes as input either unaligned fastqs (UNALIGNED function) or an aligned BAM file with the CB and UMI as tags (ALIGNED function).


mutCaller is written in Rust. To install the rust compiler go to mutCaller requires two additional tools be available on the command line, minimap2 ( and samtools (

To install mutCaller:

  1. clone the repository by typing from the location you want to build from
  2. enter the cloned repo by typing cd mutCaller
  3. build by typing cargo build --release
  4. the build process will create a self contained binary executable file in targets/release directory called mutCaller
  5. move this binary elsewhere if desired (ideally somewhere referenced by your PATH environment variable - e.g. ~/.local/bin)


version 0.40 - 6/14/23 - majorcode cleanup, added STAR aligner option, added vcf file support including a VARIANT subfunction that allows you to troubleshoot variants files version 0.30 - 5/9/23 - code cleanup and implemented bam option version 0.22 - 5/9/23 - first alpha release


Variants file (sser generated)

Users can generate a simple, 'variants_file' that lists the variants to be counted (tsv.file). The variants file should look like this:


More detailed explanation:

  1. seqname - e.g. 'chr1', 'chr2', etc
  2. position - 1-indexed position (e.g, '112450407')
  3. ref_nt - nucleotide of the reference at this location
  4. query_nt - nucleotide of your query
  5. name - a string given to the name the variant in the outpull file

three full lines should look something like this

seq     start  ref_nt query_nt name
chr12   112450407   A   G   PTPN11_227A>G
chr12   208248389   G   A   IDH1_132G>A
chr17   7674220 C   T   TP53_248C>T

Barcodes file

A barcode whitelist. v3 3prime and v2 5prime 10X whitelists are provided in the data folder.


To run mutCaller simply type:

mutCaller ALIGNED --bam <file.bam> -s <variants.tsv> -o <folder>
mutCaller UNALIGNED --barcodes_file <barcodes_file> --fastq1 <fastq1> --fastq2 <fastq2> --genome <genome> --variants <variants.tsv>


More examples on how to use mutcaller can be found here

Help menus

mutcaller 0.4.0
Scott Furlan
Single nucleotide variant counting pipeline for single cell genomics data

    mutcaller [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    ALIGNED      Count variants in previously aligned data
    UNALIGNED    Count variants after aligning data
    VCF          variants file debugging
    help         Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

Note: this is a work in progress. Use with caution.

Count variants in previously aligned data

    mutcaller ALIGNED [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --bam <bam> --variants <variants>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    use this flag to run in verbose mode

    -b, --bam <bam>              aligned bam file with cell barcode and umi in tags
    -c, --cb_tag <cb>            bam tag containing cell barcode; default = 'CB'
    -o, --output <output>        output path (defaults to 'out'); inside folder a counts file will be called
                                 'counts.txt.gz', log will be called mutcaller.log
    -q, --qual <qual>            filter for variant quality (float); default = 95.0; only used if VCF file type is
    -t, --threads <threads>      threads
    -u, --umi_tag <umi>          bam tag containing umi; default = 'XM'
    -s, --variants <variants>    path to variants.tsv or vcf file (SNVs only supported currently); For tsv, example
                                 formating = seqname\tstart\tref_nt\tquery_nt\tname; e.g.

Count variants after aligning data

    mutcaller UNALIGNED [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --barcodes_file <barcodes_file> --fastq1 <fastq1> --fastq2 <fastq2> --genome <genome> --variants <variants>

    -h, --help          Prints help information
    -k, --keep_files    use this flag to keep files (default is remove intermediate files)
    -V, --version       Prints version information
    -v, --verbose       use this flag to run in verbose mode

    -a, --aligner <aligner>                aligner software - currently minimap (default) and STAR are supported; if not
                                           available on command line supply in loc_aligner argument
    -l, --aligner_loc <aligner_loc>        path to aligner e.g. /app/software/CellRanger/6.0.1/lib/bin/STAR
    -b, --barcodes_file <barcodes_file>    barcodes_file
    -c, --cb_length <cb_len>               length of umi sequence
    -i, --fastq1 <fastq1>                  input fastq with barcodes
    -j, --fastq2 <fastq2>                  input fastq with read
    -g, --genome <genome>                  fasta for minimap2 or transcriptome index for kallisto
    -o, --output <output>                  output path (defaults to 'out'); inside folder a counts file will be called
                                           'counts.txt.gz', log will be called mutcaller.log
    -q, --qual <qual>                      filter for variant quality (float); default = 95.0; only used if VCF file
                                           type is supplied
    -r, --read_len <read_len>              read 2 length (default 90)
    -t, --threads <threads>                threads
    -u, --umi_length <umi_len>             length of umi sequence
    -s, --variants <variants>              path to variants.tsv or vcf file (SNVs only supported currently); For tsv,
                                           example formating = seqname\tstart\tref_nt\tquery_nt\tname; e.g.


call mutations in 10X data


Language:Rust 100.0%