scaytrase / php-metrics

PHP metric responder and storage abstraction library

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Lamoda metric responder


  • Metric responder with grouping and lazy sourcing
  • Multiple metric sources
    • Doctrine2 ORM source out of the box
  • Multiple metric formatters
  • Searchable metric storage
  • Symfony bundle [opitonal]


  • install with composer
composer require lamoda/metrics:^1.0


  • Metric is a named value, representing system running state, health check or cumulative measurement

  • Group is a collection of Metrics supplied with metadata

    • Metadata is string[] only, represented as tags at the moment
  • Metric response is a collection of groups for the fixed moment of time, formatted for single input format

  • Metric responder is a http endpoint used to render Group or collection of Groups into suitable web response format

  • Metrics and Groups can be sourced in the terms of dynamic spawning for collection generation

    • Metric Sourcing is the matter of Group implementation, allowing the Group to have any number of contained metrics, possibly changing between resolution
    • Group Sourcing is the optional responder configuration to feed it with dynamic collection of Groups, possibly changing between generated responses
    • In general Sourcing is implemented as an instance of \Traversable object to embed into collection

Metric are generally of two types:

  • Precomputed metrics are usually generated outside of responding process, like counters
  • Runtime metrics are generated on call, representing the current state of the system

From the point of metric responding the difference between types is nominal since PHP has share nothing architecture and most stored values should be obtained from storage in any case (and thus waste some caller time), so in general Precomputed metrics are just very fast Runtime metrics

But from the point of metric storing Precomputed metrics have more significant difference - some of them can be retrieved from metric storage for update

  • Adjustable metric is the Metric, which can be differentially updated with some delta value according to business rules:

    • Counters
    • Accumulated total
    • Balance
  • Precomputed metrics MAY NOT be Adjustable since precomputing can be part of the responder performance optimization process and there is no sense in adjusting such value as it is overwritten during metric computation

  • Adjustable Metric Storage is the general storage interface which allows end user to retrieve some metric by name for updating. It's depends on internal storage implementation, what happens if the metric is not found or metric is found but it is not and Adjustable metric

    • Out-of-the-box implementation throws an exception
    • There is an abstract Doctrine2 ORM storage decorator, which allows to dynamically create new Adjustable metric as a Doctrine entity if no suitable metric found

Standalone responder usage

  • You can create own metric and source it to formatter as a single metric group.
  • You can source multiple groups at once
  • You can group multiple metrics in one groups

use Lamoda\MetricResponder\MetricGroup\CombinedMetricGroup;
use Lamoda\MetricResponder\MetricInterface;
use Lamoda\MetricResponder\GroupSource\ArrayMetricGroupSource;
use Lamoda\MetricResponder\ResponseFactory\TelegrafResponseFactory;

final class MyMetric implements MetricInterface {
    public function getName(): string {
        return 'duck_count';
    public function resolve(): float {
        // some heavy calculations here
        return 241;

/** @var MetricInterface $metric */
$metric = new MyMetric();

// General composite metric group to merge source an standalone metrics
$group = new CombinedMetricGroup('metric_group_1', ['tag1' => 'tag_value']);

// General iterable array group source
$source = new ArrayMetricGroupSource([$group]);

$factory = new TelegrafResponseFactory();

// PSR-7 Response 
$response = $factory->create($source);

Standalone storage usage

Configure storage


use Lamoda\MetricInfra\MetricSource\DoctrineMetricSource;
use Lamoda\MetricStorage\AdjustableMetricStorageInterface
use Lamoda\MetricStorage\DelegatingMetricStorage;;

/** @var \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ManagerRegistry $manager */

// Doctrine storage
$doctrineStorage = new DoctrineMetricSource($manager, MyMetric::class);

// Custom storage
$customStorage = new class implements AdjustableMetricStorageInterface { /* ... */};

// Delegating chain 
$storage = new DelegatingMetricStorage([$doctrineStorage, $customStorage]);

// Use storage

try {
} catch (\Lamoda\MetricStorage\Exception\MetricStorageException $e) {

You can pass storage as a dependency


use Lamoda\MetricStorage\AdjustableMetricStorageInterface;

final class SomeImportantHandler
    /** @var AdjustableMetricStorageInterface */
    private $storage;
    public function __construct(AdjustableMetricStorageInterface $storage) {
        $this->storage = $storage;
    public function doWeirdStuff()
        // ...

With this snippet metric named weird_stuff_runs if it exists. Will throw MetricStorageException if metric was not found and storage is not able to create and initialize it automatically.

Symfony integration


Configure kernel class

    public function registerBundles()
        return [
            new FrameworkBundle(),
            // <...> More bundles 
            new LamodaMetricBundle(),

In general you do not have to use FrameworkBundle, but then you'll have to deal with routing by yourself.

Configure some metrics and groups

        type: doctrine
        entity: Lamoda\MetricBundle\Tests\Fixtures\Entity\Metric
        storage: true
        type: composite
        - custom_metric

        type: doctrine
        entity: Lamoda\MetricBundle\Tests\Fixtures\Entity\MetricGroup
        tags: {type: custom}
          - my_custom_metric_entity
          - composite
          - custom_metric
        tags: {type: heartbeat}

      enabled: true
      - my_custom_group
      - doctrine_entity_source
      enabled: true
      response_factory: lamoda_metrics.response_factory.json
      normalizer: lamoda_metrics.normalizer.telegraf
      path: /custom_telegraf
      - my_custom_group
      - doctrine_entity_source

Configure routing

  resource: .
  type: lamoda_metrics
  prefix: /metrics/

Storage usage example

For Doctrine2-driven storage you can create a decorator by extending AbstractDoctrineMetricStorage passing the original storage and ObjectManager interface in order to automatically create new metrics


use Lamoda\MetricInfra\Doctrine\AbstractDoctrineMetricStorage;
use Lamoda\MetricStorage\AdjustableMetricInterface;

final class DoctrineMetricStorage extends AbstractDoctrineMetricStorage
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function instantiateEmptyMetric(string $key): AdjustableMetricInterface
        return new Metric($key, 0);

You can decorate concrete Doctrine storage delegate or the whole lamoda_metrics.metric_storage service

        class: AppBundle\Monitoring\DoctrineMetricStorage
        public: false
        decorates: 'lamoda_metrics.metric_storage'
            - '@app.metric_storage.inner'
            - "@doctrine.orm.sidecar_entity_manager"

You can mark any custom source to work as storage by marking it with storage: true config option. This will automatically decorate source with iterator introspecting decorator.

        type: doctrine
        entity: Lamoda\MetricBundle\Tests\Fixtures\Entity\Metric
        storage: true


See configuration reference


Creating own response factory

Implement ResponseFactoryInterface which consumes the metric group source and produces PSR-7 Response


One can implement and composition of metric and group sources implementing the following interfaces

  • MetricGroupSourceInterface
  • MetricGroupInterface
  • MetricSourceInterface

These could provide any metrics, i.e FS stats, exec result, API calls, etc, represented with lazily wrapped MetricInterface implementation

Current extensions


  • DoctrineMetricSource provides metrics stored with Doctrine 2 ORM powered with DBAL. Atomic adjustments allowed
  • DoctrineMetricGroupSource provides groups stored with Doctrine 2 ORM


  • TelegrafResponseFactory creates telegraf httpjson compatible output, grouped
  • PrometheusResponseFactory creates prometheus compatible output


Running tests

composer install


PHP metric responder and storage abstraction library

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%