scaryghost / KFSXTrackingServer

Tracking server storing stats broadcasted from KFStatsX

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Updating From 3.x

All you need to do is stop the server and replace the KFSXTrackingServer.jar file, http folder, and lib folder.

Updating From 2.x

If you have just started running a tracking server, this section is irrelevant and you can skip ahead to "Starting The Server". Otherwise, keep reading.

Migrating Data

The structure of the SQLite database has changed from v2.x. To preserve current data, the jar file will also convert and migrate the data from the v2.x db to the v3.0 db. A script has been provided to execute the jar in conversion mode. From the base directory, execute the convert script, providing the paths to the old and new databases.


# use .bat on Windows  
share/bin/ ${path to v2.x db} share/etc/kfsxdb.sqlite3  

Please note that the extension to the db has been changed to sqlite3. This was done to signify that the database was created using sqlite3.

Server Properties

For v3.0, the following properties have been added:

  • http.root.dir
  • num.db.conn
  • db.url
  • db.driver
  • db.reader.script
  • db.writer.script
  • db.user
  • db.password

Meanwhile, the following properties have been removed:

  • num.threads

The new db.url property functions almost exactly like the previous property with the minor difference being a full JDBC url must be given for the database instead of a simple path. By default, the application uses SQLite so the url will now be:


The change was made to allow users to create their own database for storing the statistics, rather than depend solely on SQLite.

Starting The Server

Before starting the server, make sure you look at the properties file: share/etc/
Configure the values to your preferred settings. Once the properties file has been configured, run the startserver script from the base directory.


share/bin/ (or .bat for Windows)  

For convenience, you can copy the scripts in the bin folder to the root directory

Custom Database

If the default SQLite database is not to your liking, you may choose to setup a db of your choosing for the application. You will need to create a custom data writer so the application knows how to store the data in your db.
The project wiki has more information on creating a the necessary files for custom database support.

Start Up

If your custom database uses another driver, such as PostgreSQL, you will need to modify the startup line to point to your databases' driver. The server should instead be started as follows:

java -cp libs:${your JBDC driver} com.github.etsai.kfsxtrackingserver.Main -propertyfile ${your property file}

This roundabout method is required since the jar's manifest file only knows about the SQLite driver.

Web Server

Starting from v3.0 and on, the web portion of the application has been separated from the jar file. This gives end users greater flexibility in customizing the web pages. All web files reside in the http directory. The project wiki has more information on creating your own web content:

Release Notes:


Tracking server storing stats broadcasted from KFStatsX


Language:Java 53.0%Language:Groovy 47.0%