scalytics / TPCH-Docker

TPCH inside of a Docker Container

Repository from Github https://github.comscalytics/TPCH-DockerRepository from Github https://github.comscalytics/TPCH-Docker


TPC-H Docker

TPC-H inside of a Docker Container

The version of the tpc-h generator is the version 2.4.0 and its coming from the revision 2.18.0

Build Docker

docker build --tag databloom/tpch:latest .

Pulling Docker Image

docker pull

Run Docker

the data will be allocated in path where you are executing the TPCH

docker run -it  -v "$(pwd)":/data -h
dbgen [-{vf}][-T {pcsoPSOL}]
        [-s <scale>][-C <procs>][-S <step>]
dbgen [-v] [-O m] [-s <scale>] [-U <updates>]

Basic Options
-C <n> -- separate data set into <n> chunks (requires -S, default: 1)
-f     -- force. Overwrite existing files
-h     -- display this message
-q     -- enable QUIET mode
-s <n> -- set Scale Factor (SF) to  <n> (default: 1) 
-S <n> -- build the <n>th step of the data/update set (used with -C or -U)
-U <n> -- generate <n> update sets
-v     -- enable VERBOSE mode

Advanced Options
-b <s> -- load distributions for <s> (default: dists.dss)
-d <n> -- split deletes between <n> files (requires -U)
-i <n> -- split inserts between <n> files (requires -U)
-T c   -- generate cutomers ONLY
-T l   -- generate nation/region ONLY
-T L   -- generate lineitem ONLY
-T n   -- generate nation ONLY
-T o   -- generate orders/lineitem ONLY
-T O   -- generate orders ONLY
-T p   -- generate parts/partsupp ONLY
-T P   -- generate parts ONLY
-T r   -- generate region ONLY
-T s   -- generate suppliers ONLY
-T S   -- generate partsupp ONLY

To generate the SF=1 (1GB), validation database population, use:
        dbgen -vf -s 1

To generate updates for a SF=1 (1GB), use:
        dbgen -v -U 1 -s 1

Other Options

To execute a shell inside of the docker images

docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash


TPCH inside of a Docker Container

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Roff 97.0%Language:C 2.7%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.1%Language:Perl 0.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%