scaccogatto / vue-collision

fires a @collided event on collision with viewport or any other bounding box

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


fires a @collided[-groupName] event on collision with viewport or any other bounding box, Waypoints-like


Build Status


  • Uses requestAnimationFrame
  • Wrap up your components in groups
  • Group all your components in the window group by default
  • Checks collisions group by group and fire custom events when a collision happens



$ npm install vue-collision --save-dev

Vue's main.js

import VueCollision from 'vue-collision'

// collision
Vue.use(VueCollision, { globalTriggers: ['resize', 'scroll'] })


  • options [optional]: object defining what triggers the groups' checks


  <component-name v-collision="['groupone']" @collide="onCollideHandler" @non-collide="nonCollideHandler" @collide-groupone="onGroupOneCollide" @non-collide-groupone="nonGroupOneCollide"></component-name>

  export default {
    methods: {
      onCollideHandler (collider) {
        // logic for 'window' group, called when the component collides with window
      nonCollideHandler (collider) {
        // logic for 'window' group, called when the component does NOT collide with window
      onGroupOneCollide (collider) {
        // logic for 'groupone' group, called when the component collides inside 'groupone' group
      nonGroupOneCollide (collider) {
        // logic for 'groupone' group, called when the component does NOT collide inside 'groupone' group


v-collision directive

  • Add v-collision directive to any component to make it part of the vue-collision family and a window-group's direct son
  • Specify a v-collision.prevent modifier in order to exclude the component from window-group
  • Add a value to the directive (v-collision="['groupone', 'grouptwo']") in order to reference the component into the groupone and grouptwo groups
  • You can mix it together: v-collision.prevent="['groupone', 'grouptwo']"


  • @collide: happens when the component is colliding with the window (based on: innerWidth and innerHeight)
  • @non-collide: happens when the component is not colliding with the window
  • @collide[-groupName]: happens when the component is colliding with someone in the same group
  • @non-collide[-groupName]: happens when the component is not colliding with something in the same group (can collide with any other component in the same group at the same time)
  • Every event calls a function (collider) when fired. The collider is the Vue istance that is colliding with this


  • VueCollision.checkAllGroups(): it checks all the groups (even window's one) and fire the events stack
  • VueCollision.checkGroups(Array windowTest, Object customGroups): it tests the passed groups and/or Vue's components instances.
    • windowTest must be an array containing Components
    • customGroups must be and an Object defined as:
customGroups = {
  groupName: {
    combinations: [
      [Component, Component],
      [Component, Component],
  groupTwoName: {
    combinations: [
      [Component, Component],
      [Component, Component],


This software uses mocha as testing framework, some functions are not being fully tested (checkGroups and install) since creating a fake VueJS environment in order to test some functions that urely on already fully tested sub-functions seems not worth.

  • Clone this repository
  • cd vue-viewports
  • npm install
  • npm test

Feel free to contribute and ask questions


fires a @collided event on collision with viewport or any other bounding box

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%