Offers real-time information for all buses, overlaid on top of a map for easy viewing. This is an Apache Cordova frontend to the bussedly backend server which returns the actual real-time information.
A version of this is now live on the Google Play store and the Windows Phone store.
NodeJS 4.x+ and npm is required. Project files are supplied for Visual Studio 2015. The Android SDK Tools must be installed for Android support.
Assumes you have installed Chocolatey (you have done this, right?):
choco install nodejs.install
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
For later versions of Node, use the debsource instructions:
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
npm install -g cordova
npm install -g ripple-emulator
cordova prepare
cordova platform add wp8
cordova platform add android
Runs the Ripple emulator:
cordova prepare android
ripple emulate
Set the fixed geo-location to a reasonable location e.g. 51.8968920,-8.4863160
Start the app via cordova CLI (you may be asked to confirm the RSA key):
cordova run android
Once started, open the following URL in any Chrome-based browser:
and click the Inspect link for the application.
There is a script that generates all icons and graphics from a single base image to avoid the tedious cropping/scaling needed. Python 3.4+ and a recent version of Pillow is required to run it:
python -m scripts.img_create res/bus_original.png res.yaml
The Android keystore (backed up on Dropbox) must exist in the android directory relative to the bussed directory and the command must be run with Node 4.x+ installed.
cordova build android --release --buildConfig build.json