sborenst / OpenShiftEnterprise3_Demo


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OpenShift 3.1 Demonstration

Demonstration Tracks and Snippets

In this demonstration guide we provide multiple "Demo Snippets".
Demo Snippets are short demonstrations that can run independently from each other.

When demonstrating any technology, its important to put the demonstrations into context, we gathered snippets into Tracks as a suggestion but you can mix and match snippets according to your audience.

You can create any demo with this fully functional environment, please feel free to email me your snippet []

Developer’s Day Demonstration Scenario (the David track)

Operation Team’s Day Demonstration Scenario (the Karla track)

Under Construction and not available atm
  • Goal - Demonstrate OpenShift Enterprise’s ability to reduce the complexity of application deployment and management.

  • Audience - This is a technical demonstration intended for technical resources, but you can present it at different depths.

  • Consider your audience’s areas of interest and select the most appropriate demo snippets:

    • Snippet - Demonstrate application scaling (command line)

    • Snippet - Demonstrate application update and rollback

Environment Setup

This Demonstration is designed to work the the Red Hat Product Demo System (

It is assumed that you have OPENTLC credentials to access the RHPDS environment, and that have completed the OpenShift FASTRAX training.

Follow the instructions in the Demonstration Environment Setup Page to provision and configure your environment.

When you provision your environment you will receive an email from OPENTLC with the connection details of your environment (IPs and hostnames not passwords).

Environment Overview

Our environment is designed to demonstrate a highly scalable PaaS architecture. We created a 2 layer topology based on Regions and Zones.

Our master00 host will be used to host some of the management components of OpenShift Enterprise, Components such as the Web Console, The API service and the etcd store.

Infranode is a regular node like the others but by changing the labels applied to the node we are going to dedicate it to be used only for "Infrastructure containers". This is a design choice and not a mandatory constraint.

the nodes, nodes are hosts that are used to run containers (Pods) in the OSE environment, we label the two nodes to be in the same region but different zones. This is to simulate a use-case of an environment in a single region and possibly two cloud availability zones.

our environment

Get Started

To get started, you need to:



License:Apache License 2.0