sbmlteam / QtDeviser

DEVISER Edit, an UI for defining DEVISER input files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Building QtDeviser on Windows

bgoli opened this issue · comments

Here are some notes on building QtDeviser, where would you like them added, Wiki page, source?

Building QtDeviser

This is a brief guide to building QtDeviser on Windows. It assumes the use of:

Git for windows from
CMake 3.8.0 from
Qt 5.8.0 or newer from
Visual Studio 2015 from

Getting the source

Clone the QtDeviser repository:

git clone

This should give you a directory called QtDeviser with the source code

Configure with CMAKE

Run the cmake gui and point the source code path to the directory just created with git. Also set the binary build path to a different directory of your choosing, for example QtDeviser-build.

Press Configure select your build systems e.g., MSVC 2015 64bit. At this point anerror message may be displayed, close it and continue. Make sure the advanced box is checked and set the following value if it are not already configured (I installed Qt into D:/Qt please change this path to suit your installation).

Qt5_dir : D:/Qt/Qt5.8.0/5.8/msvc2015_64/lib/cmake/Qt5

Configure again set the following value:

CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX : optional, set this if you want to use the INSTALL option

Configure again and Generate the configuration files. If you are happy with the result press Open Project to continue

Building with Visual Studio 2015

If everything has worked out you should be able to compile this without any modifications. At this point you need to select whether you will do a debug or release build, the following filenames are for a debug build. For a release build simply remove the trailing d. Right click on ALL_BUILD and select Build. This should compile Deviser.

If successful the diviser will be in the binary build directory in a Release/Debug folder as DeviserEdit.exe. However, for this to work you probable need to copy the following files from your Qt distribution. In my case these were in `d:QtQt5.8.05.8msvc2015_64bin`:


Execute DeviserEdit.exe and you should be good to go.

Brett G. Olivier, Amsterdam 2017

@bgoli This is great! Very useful.

As to location, I tend to prefer putting it as a file in the repo itself, mainly because I suspect (without empirical evidence) that people often don't think to look at GitHub wiki pages. @skeating and/or @fbergmann may have other opinions, but I would suggest creating a new top-level directory, docs, and putting it there as a markdown file with a self-describing file name.

I created a docs subfolder and a branch with this document