SaxoniaCoin is an ERC-20 token smart contract for the Ethereum platform.
This project uses Truffle to compile, test and deploy the contracts.
Install Truffle via npm: npm i -g truffle
In order to test and deploy the contracts to a dev chain we use ganache-cli.
Install ganache-cli via npm: npm i -g ganache-cli
Once we tested successfully on Ganache, we want to deploy the contracts to Testnet and Mainnet. We use Geth to connect to these chains.
Read the instructions on how to install Geth on your system.
Compile contracts
Run truffle compile
to compile SaxoniaCoin and its dependencies. The compiled contracts will be generated into
build/contracts folder.
Deploy and test contracts on a dev chain
Run ganache-cli --port 8544
to lauch a dev chain.
Run truffle migrate
to deploy SaxoniaCoin to the dev chain.
Run truffle test
to deploy and test SaxoniaCoin on the dev chain.
Deploy contracts to Ropsten testnet
First, run
geth --testnet --fast --rpc --rpcapi eth,net,web3,personal,db --port 0 --cache 1024
to sync the Ropsten testnet to your local system.
TODO Create an account on the testnet and send it some Ether so that it has enough gas to deploy to the testnet.
Then, run truffle migrate
to deploy SaxoniaCoin to the testnet.