Creates a server that accepts WebSocket connections and forwards them to a TCP socket.
npm i -g websocket-to-tcp
This installs the utility in the global register that
can be called from the command line interface with wstcp
wstcp -t tcpaddress -p tcpport -w wsport [-n name] [--usestrings] [--key key.pem --cert cert.pem]
tcpaddress is the address of the remote TCP connection tcpport is the port number of the remote TCP connection wsport the websocket listening local port number name (optional) the name of websocket sub-protocol usestrings (optional) send data as strings instead of binary bytes (needed for some WebSocket servers) key (optional) specifies the key file for a WSS:// secure connection cert (optional) specifies the certificate file for a WSS:// secure connection
wstcp -t -p 6510 -w 8080 -n bbs
Creates a local server that accepts WebSocket connections on the port 8080
and forwards them to
. The name of the WebSocket
sub-protocol is bbs
It is possibile to create two or more "tunnels" per time, with wstcpm
wstcpm -l \,6510,8080,bbs,privkey.pem,cert.pem \,6510,8081,bbs,privkey.pem,cert.pem
Each line represents a "tunnel", and has 5 parameters, separated by a comma:
- The destination host (e.g.
- The destination "classic socket" port (e.g. 6510)
- The local "web socket" port (e.g. 8080)
- SSL private key (e.g. privkey.pem)
- SSL certificate (e.g. cert.pem)
This utility is part of a larger project that allows a browser-emulated Commodore 64 to connect to a BBS over the internet.
Written by Antonino Porcino - MIT License