sbalbalosa / atm-machine-challenge

Hypothetical backend for ATM machine used as a learning tool for new developers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ATM Machine Challenge for Frontend

This mock api is used to provide data for a hypothetical ATM machine it consist of two challenges.

Challenge # 1

  • Create minimal UI that resembles ATM machine
  • Assume that there is only 1 user for this machine check the PIN if it match, if not don't let the user in show error message 'Invalid Pin'.
  • If the PIN match show buttons consisting of check balance, withdraw and deposit
  • If user click check balance show the current balance there should be a back button to go back to the menu.
  • If user click withdraw there should be a textfield and a submit where the user could enter an amount to withdraw. If the amount entered exceed the balance show an error 'Insufficient funds'.
  • If user click deposit show form same as withdraw but for deposit purpose.

Challenge # 2

  • Wait for further instructions

Instructions on how to run

Folder structure

  • db.json - This is where the data lives

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

Thanks, Sharlon Balbalosa


Hypothetical backend for ATM machine used as a learning tool for new developers