sayemomer / EduMood

CNN for emotion detection which works on still images of students in a classroom setting (virtual or physical)

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Applied Artificial Intelligence and Classroom Activity Recognition

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A Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) using PyTorch that analyses images of students in a classroom or online meeting setting and categorizes them into distinct states or activities.

  1. Facial Expression Recognition: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for facial expression recognition. The dataset for this project includes images from a few publicly available datasets containing nu- merous human facial expressions.

  2. Classroom Activity Recognition: A Deep Learning CNN using PyTorch designed to analyze images of students in a classroom or online meeting setting, categorizing them into distinct states or activities.


Classification Labels

  • Angry
  • Neutral
  • Engaged
  • Bored

Data Collection & Preprocessing

Dataset Summary

Here is a summary of the datasets used in the project:

    Total Images: ~500,000
    Image/Class: ~10,000
    Features: Age / Gender labels

    Total Images: ~128,000
    Image/Class: ~6,500
    Features: Compact images, Only frontal faces, RGB images

    Total Images: ~20,000
    Image/Class: Unknown
    Features: Diverse images, Only frontal faces, Duplicate-free

Real and Fake Face Detection
    Total Images: ~2,000
    Image/Class: ~1,000
    Features: High resolution, Only frontal faces, Duplicate-free

Flickr-Faces-HQ Dataset (FFHQ)
    Total Images: 70,000
    Image/Class: ~7,000
    Features: High quality images, Only frontal faces, Duplicate-free

Images/Class Distribution

Class Training Test
Angry	  600	  60
bored	  800	  50
Engaged	850	  70
Neutral	750	  65

Data Cleaning Process for Facial Expression Recognition


Resizing Images

All images are resized to a standard dimension to ensure consistency across the dataset.

from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator

# Assuming images are in a directory 'data/train'
datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255)

# Standard dimensions for all images
standard_size = (150, 150)

# Generator will resize images automatically
train_generator = datagen.flow_from_directory(
    color_mode='grayscale', # Convert images to grayscale

Grayscale Conversion

Images are converted to grayscale to focus on the important features without the distraction of color.

Brightness Normalization

Uniform lighting conditions are applied to images to mitigate the effects of varying illumination.

# Additional configuration for ImageDataGenerator to adjust brightness

datagen = ImageDataGenerator(
    brightness_range=[0.8,1.2] # Adjust brightness


Images are cropped to remove background noise and focus on the face, the most important part for emotion detection.

Class Distribution

Sample Images

Pixel Intensity Distribution

CNN Architecture , Training, & Evaluation


  • Input: 48x48 RGB images.
  • Convolutional Layers: Multiple layers with 4x4 kernels, batch normalization, leaky ReLU activation.
  • Pooling Layers: Max pooling layers with 2x2 kernels.
  • Fully Connected Layers: 2 fully connected layers with dropout and softmax activation.
  • Parallel Processing: nn.DataParallel for multi-GPU support.
  • Training Monitoring: Tracks validation set performance to optimize model parameters.

Bias Analysis, Model refinement, & deep evaluation

Performance Metrics

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Variants comparison

  • Main Model beats Variant 1 in accuracy and macro metrics.
  • Main Model slightly more accurate than Variant 2.
  • Variant 2 has better macro precision, less false positives.
  • Trade-off: Higher recall can mean more false positives; higher precision means fewer false alarms.

Confusion Matrix Analysis

  • There’s a consistent trend across models where Engaged (Class 3) and Bored (Class 2) are often confused. This could be due to similarities in facial expressions or insufficient distinguishing features.
  • The Neutral and Angry classes seem to be well-recognized across all models, suggesting that these facial expressions are more consistent and universally recognizable.
  • Overall, distinguishing between expressions Class 3 (Engaged) and Class 2 (Bored) poses a challenge for these models. This might be due to the lack of diversity and quality of data.

Main Model

  • Class 2 (Bored) is often confused with Class 3 (Engaged).


  • Similar patterns of confusion as the Main Model, with Class 3 (Engaged) and Class 2 (Bored) having notable misclassifications.

Impact of Architectural Variations

  • Adding layers in Variant 2 did not improve performance consistently.
  • More layers could capture complex features but risk overfitting.
  • Decreased accuracy in Variant 2 might stem from overfitting.
  • Main Model's moderate kernel size balances detection of fine and broad features, yielding highest accuracy.

Bias Analysis

The bias attributes of Age and Gender were analysed to check for disparities in performance across different subgroups. This included the following steps

  • The dataset was split into subclasses based on the attributes Gender - Male and Female Age - Young, Mid and Senior
  • The performance metrics of the CNN model were evaluated for each subgroup to check for the presence of biases. • The dataset was augmented to mitigate the bias.

Bias detection result

bias report

Bias Mitigation

The system was biased against people in the Senior age category. For bias mitigation, the dataset was rebalanced by increasing the count of images from the Senior age category and the images from the Mid and Young age brackets were reduced. The subclasses in the Gender attributes did not show any biases.

Bias detection result after mitigation

bias report after mitigation

K-fold Cross Validation

Original Model


  • Accuracy graph displays fluctuations between 0.63 and 0.69 over 10 measurements.
  • Notable accuracy dips occur at the 4th, 6th, and 9th measurements, with the 6th showing the sharpest drop.
  • Precision is relatively stable; both Recall and F1 Score significantly drop at the 5th fold.
  • The metrics reveal inconsistent model performance, particularly poor at the 5th fold.

K-fold Model


  • Accuracy across 10 folds, with a score varying from just above 0.57 to just under 0.65.
  • Accuracy significantly improves at fold 7, peaking near 0.65 before declining again.
  • Macro Precision and Recall exhibit significant volatility, while the F1 Score remains more consistent.
  • All three metrics peak at fold 8, with Macro Recall showing the greatest increase.

original vs k-fold

  • K-fold cross-validation yields slightly higher average accuracy than train/test split due to varied data subset performance.
  • It evaluates the model over multiple folds for a comprehensive performance assessment.
  • Consistent performance across k-folds suggests better model generalization and can influence model selection.

Steps for Running the Python File


  • Python3
  • Pip3

Setup the Datasets

Setup Virtual Environment

pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install virtualenv
python3 -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate

Install Dependencies

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Execution Steps

  • Preprocess and Visualize: python3
  • Train/Validate and Test Main Model: python3; python3
  • Variants Training and Testing: python3; python3; python3; python3
  • K-fold Cross Validation: python3

Expected Output

  • Classification of images into respective classes.
  • Display of training/testing dataset classification.
  • Data visualizations using Matplotlib.
  • Training over epochs with accuracy and loss metrics.
  • Saved models under Model folder.
  • K-fold analysis with training and validation metrics.

Refecence to the original project

For further details on methodology, datasets, and findings, refer to the complete project reports.

Report link

Conclusion and Future Work


CNN for emotion detection which works on still images of students in a classroom setting (virtual or physical)


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