savaki / cddl-codegen

Codegen serialization logic for CBOR automatically from a CDDL specification

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Experimental library for generating rust code for CBOR serialization from CDDL specs.


Instead of hand-writing CBOR code and writing tests to make sure it matches your CDDL spec, it's much faster to just generate the code from the spec! It will save time and make it easier to keep all your code in sync with any changes to your specification.

You can learn more about CDDL here

To run, execute cargo run from within this directory, and it will read input.cddl and generate the rust code in ./export/.

Current capacities

Generates a /export/ folder with wasm-compilable rust code (including Cargo.toml, etc) which can then be compiled with wasm-pack build. The contains all wasm-exposable code that clients of the generated code can use, and contians internal implementations for serialization/deserialization. All structs have a new(...) constructor as well as a to_bytes() (with GENERATE_TO_FROM_BYTES enabled), and all supported ones have a from_bytes() exposed within their impls that call these which (de)serialize to/from byte buffers the CBOR structure. The constructor will contain all mandatory fields as arguments, whereas optional parameters will have a set_* function generated. There is also a for helper code used by both (errors, traits, etc).

  • Primitives - bytes, bstr, tstr, text, uint, nint (last two truncated to 32 bytes for now for convenience instead of going through BigInt for everything)
  • Fixed values - null, nil, true, false
  • Array values - [uint]
  • Table types as members - foo = ( x: { * a => b } )
  • Inline groups at root level - foo = ( a: uint, b: uint)
  • Array groups - foo = [uint, tstr, 0, bytes]
  • Map groups (both struct-type and table-type) - foo = { a: uint, b: tstr } or bar = { * uint => tstr }
  • Embedding groups in other groups - foo = (0, bstr) bar = [uint, foo, foo]
  • Group choices - foo = [ 0, uint // 1, tstr, uint // tstr }
  • Tagged major types - rational = #6.30([ numerator : uint, denominator : uint])
  • Optional fields - foo = { ? 0 : bytes }
  • Type aliases - foo = bar
  • Type choices - foo = uint / tstr
  • Serialization for all supported types.
  • Deserialization for almost all supported types (see limitations section).
  • CDDL Generics - foo<T> = [T], bar = foo<uint>
  • Length bounds - foo = bytes .size (0..32)
  • Support for the CDDL standard prelude (using raw CDDL from the RFC) - biguint, etc

We generate getters for all fields, and setters for optional fields. Mandatory fields are set via the generated constructor. All wasm-facing functions are set to take references for non-primitives and clone when needed. Returns are also cloned. This helps make usage from wasm more memory safe.

Identifiers and fields are also changed to rust style. ie foo_bar = { Field-Name: text } gets converted into struct FooBar { field_name: String }

There are several arguments that are set at the top of to configure code generation:

  • ANNOTATE_FIELDS - Annotates errors with locational context if set. On by default.
  • USE_EXTENDED_PRELUDE - Whether to use our extended prelude (u64, i32, etc)
  • GENERATE_TO_FROM_BYTES - Generates to_bytes() and from_bytes() usable from wasm in addition to the Serialize and Deserialize traits. Off by default.

Heterogeneous Arrays

wasm_bindgen cannot expose doubly-nested types like Vec<Vec<T> which can be a limitation if T was a non-byte primtive. Any array of non-primitives such as [foo] will generate another type called foos which supports all basic array operations. This lets us get around the wasm_bindgen limitation (without implementing cross-boundary traits which could be inefficient/tedious/complicated). This array wrapper implements len() -> self, get(usize) -> T and add(T).


Map literals also generate a type for them with len() -> usize and insert(K, V) -> Option<V>. The table type will have a MapKeyToValue name for whichever Key and Value types it's exposed as if it's anonymously inlined a as a member, or will take on the identifier if it's a named one.

Group choices

Group choices are handled as an enum with each choice being a variant. This enum is then wrapped around a wasm-exposed struct as wasm_bindgen does not support rust enums with members/values. Group choices that are a single field use just that field as the enum variant, otherwise we create a GroupN for the Nth variant enum with the fields of that group choice.

Type choices

Type choices are handled via enums as well with the name defaulting to AOrBOrC for A / B / C when inlined as a field/etc, and will take on the type identifier if provided ie foo = A / B / C would be Foo. Any field that is T / null is transformed as a special case into Option<T> rather than creating a TOrNull enum.


  • Does not support optional group [(...)] or {(...)} syntax - must use [...] for {...} for groups
  • Ignores occurrence specifiers: *, + or n*m
  • No support for sockets
  • No inlined heterogeneous maps as fields - foo = ( x: { y: uint, z: uint } ), but is fine for bar = { y: uint, z: uint } then foo = ( x: bar ).
  • No inlined heterogeneous arrays as fields - foo: [uint] is fine but foo: [uint, tstr] is not.
  • Keys in struct-type maps are limited to uint and text. Other types are not found anywhere in shelley.cddl.
  • Optional fixed-value fields not properly supported - (? foo: 5)
  • Deserialization not supported for maps with nested plain groups - foo = (uint, uint), bar = { foo, text } due to maps not being ordered.
  • Deserialization not supported for optional types inside of arrays - foo = [uint, ?uint, uint, text, ?text, text, uint] because it could require a combinatorial backtrack for ambiguous examples like this.
  • Cannot read multi-file CDDL definitions. Only reads from input.cddl right now.
  • No CLI arguments to configure the codegen yet - use the constants at top of
  • Does not validate finite array length in deserialization.


Codegen serialization logic for CBOR automatically from a CDDL specification

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 100.0%