To use this extension, will you need:
- Twitter account
- OpenAI account
- Chrome browser
- Clone this repo to your machine
- Open chrome://extensions/ in your browser
- Check the box for Developer mode in the top right
- Press Load Unpacked button and select the folder with the code
You can start using the extension now.
When you open a new tab with Twitter, you will see this icon under the tweet section:
When you press it, a new tweet will be generated. The extension will choose a random type of tweet: positive, negative, controversial, etc.
For a reply, it will generate a tweet based on the original tweet. For a new tweet, it will write a tweet based on what's trending right now.
TweetGPT generates positive, negative and controversial tweets randomly. It will sometimes generate controversial or even offensive tweets. Remember, this is like an L2 autopilot - the driver is responsible for the outcome. Don't tweet what you disagree with, just re-generate the tweet instead.
If you have feedback, please create an issue in the repository or simply send me a DM in Twitter: @512x512