Calculate ELO after a result between two players. Enables storing ELO on-chain (and consequently allows for trustless leaderboards & prize pools)
Add to your project (requires foundry):
forge install saucepoint/elo-lib
import {Elo} from "elo-lib/Elo.sol";
contract MyContract {
// maps player to their ELO
mapping(address => uint256) elos;
function updateElo() external {
// read the results from somewhere
uint256 result = 100; // player 1 won
uint256 kFactor = 20; // development factor (established players have lower kFactors)
(uint256 change, bool negative) = Elo.ratingChange(elos[player1], elos[player2], result, kFactor);
// update the elos
if (negative) {
// add your own overflow checks
// be aware that change is 2 decimal places (1501 = 15.01 ELO change)
elos[player1] -= change;
elos[player2] += change;
} else {
elos[player1] += change;
elos[player2] -= change;