satot / blackjack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This is a simple API where you can play blackjack


You can overview functions with following host

Create a game API


API to create a new game


POST /v1/games

Request params

Following params are required and should be passed in as JSON format.

param required type description sample value
games required {} Should contain player_count and deck_count
player_count required Integer Specify number of players 3
deck_count required Integer Specify number of deck to be used in game 2

Sample request json

  "games": {
    "player_count": 3,
    "deck_count": 2


Response is given in JSON format and has parameters as follows

param type description sample value
id Integer id of the new game 1
status String Status of the game. "active" or "inactive" active
players [] Include status of each players
dealer {} Status of dealer

and each player/dealer has following paramters

param type description sample value
name String Name of player Player11
status String Status of the player. Available statuses are: "playing", "win", "lose", "push" and "confirmed". playing
score Integer or String Score of player's hand. If score is hidden, "-" will be given 20
hand [String] Cards in hand ["8-club","3-club"]

Deal API


API to deal the game


POST /v1/games/:id/deal

Request params

Following params are required and should be passed in as JSON format.

param required type description sample value
game required {} Should contain player_count and deck_count
player_id required Integer Specify player id 3
command required String Specify command you want to take. Only available "hit" or "stand" for now hit

Sample request json

  "game": {
    "player_id": 1,
    "command": "hit"


Response is given in JSON format and has parameters as follows

param type description sample value
id Integer id of the new game 1
status String Status of the game. "active" or "inactive" active
player {} Status of specified player
dealer {} Status of dealer

Show a game API


API to show detail of given game_id


GET /v1/games/:id

Request params

Following params are required.

param required type description sample value
id required Integer game id 1


Response is given in JSON format and has parameters as follows

param type description sample value
id Integer id of the new game 1
status String Status of the game. "active" or "inactive" active
players [] Include status of each players
dealer {} Status of dealer

Show winners of a game API


API to show winners of given game_id


GET /v1/games/:id/winner

Request params

Following params are required.

param required type description sample value
id required Integer game id 1


Response is given in JSON format and has parameters as follows

param type description sample value
id Integer id of the new game 1
status String Status of the game. "active" or "inactive" active
winner [] Names of winners

Finish game API


API to deactivate game for the given game_id


PUT /v1/games/:id/finish

Request params

Following params are required.

param required type description sample value
id required Integer game id 1


Response is given in JSON format and has parameters as follows

param type description sample value
id Integer id of the new game 1
status String Status of the game. "active" or "inactive" active
players [] Include status of each players
dealer {} Status of dealer




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