satishkumarsk / mart

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An example of Usermanagement service implemented using Connexion library on top of Flask backed by mysql datastore. Stubs are generated by the swagger-codegen project along with OpenAPI-Spec.


  • Swagger integration
  • CI integration with Travis for builds pipeline
  • APM Montioring integration with Prometheus
  • Single command service and environment up using Docker compose
  • Montioring dashboards built with grafana
  • JWT implementation for login
  • SHA256 - password hasing
  • CI pipeline for pushing docker images to registry
  • Unit test integration with CI pipeline
  • Code coverage report with CI pipeline
  • Prodcution deployemnts using chef cookbook


  • Assuming a ubuntu linux workstation


  • Python 2.7+
  • Docker version needed 17+

Setting local environment

To setup environment, please execute the following from the projects root directory:

docker-compose up

Check service is up visting


Login API for ADMIN

Request body for swagger to be provided

  "password": "admin",
  "username": "admin"

Note: Certain API's need user to login . So for login hit swagger with above payload

Known issue with docker compose / To do

  • Startup order- removed and not guranteed for service up on latest docker compose version so app restart expected intially till DB is up
  • To do - Implemnent healthchecks as part of startup on docker compose file for service ordering

APM monitoring prometheus


Metrics published as part of application with per api call and Status code

flask_request_latency_seconds Flask Request Latency

Sample metrics

flask_request_latency_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/v1/login",le="0.005",method="POST"} 1.0
flask_request_latency_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/v1/login",le="0.01",method="POST"} 1.0
flask_request_latency_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/v1/login",le="0.025",method="POST"} 1.0
flask_request_latency_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/v1/login",le="0.05",method="POST"} 1.0
flask_request_latency_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/v1/login",le="0.075",method="POST"} 2.0
flask_request_latency_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/v1/login",le="0.1",method="POST"} 2.0
flask_request_latency_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/v1/login",le="0.25",method="POST"} 2.0
flask_request_latency_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/v1/login",le="0.5",method="POST"} 2.0
flask_request_latency_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/v1/login",le="0.75",method="POST"} 2.0
flask_request_latency_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/v1/login",le="1.0",method="POST"} 2.0
flask_request_latency_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/v1/login",le="2.5",method="POST"} 2.0
flask_request_latency_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/v1/login",le="5.0",method="POST"} 2.0
flask_request_latency_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/v1/login",le="7.5",method="POST"} 2.0
flask_request_latency_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/v1/login",le="10.0",method="POST"} 2.0
flask_request_latency_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/v1/login",le="+Inf",method="POST"} 2.0
flask_request_latency_seconds_count{endpoint="/v1/login",method="POST"} 2.0

For more metrics per status code


Prometheus endpoint


Grafana dashboards

Note: Sigup as admin and dasboard name usermanagemnt-apm. Generate some request for viewing metrics


Build pipeline architecture

For prod

Code push/PR +-----> Github hooks +-----> Travis CI gets Invoked +-----> Run unit Test +-----> Code coverage (If > Acceptable value) +-----> Docker build(for dev branch) &Create Tag (Only on master build) ----> Push tag to prod via cookbook

TODO/Future imporvements:

  • Integrate CD
  • Intergrate alert manager for alerting
  • Integrate notifications for CI and CD pipeline
  • Add infra monitoring
  • Chat ops based deployemnt
  • Enhance docs

General Note:

The tools mentioned are the ones that I have worked with and have proved to work at large scales. These are a lot of other tools that are available and each has to be picked based on the requirement and scale and other factors



Language:Python 87.3%Language:TSQL 6.4%Language:Shell 5.2%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%