sastoudt / StatTheoryLabs

learnr tutorials and labs for a mathematical statistics course

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learnr tutorials and labs for a mathematical statistics course

To install this package:

  1. One time only (may need to reinstall for updates throughout the semester):

remove.packages("learnr") ## might not need this if you do not have learnr pre-installed





remotes::install_github("sastoudt/StatTheoryLabs", build_vignettes = T)

  1. Thanks to Marney for this one: after install is complete (I know this seems weird, but go with it):



Exit RStudio and then open it again.


  • These packages have more recent versions available. Which would you like to update? --> If the list only includes htmltools say No.

  • Do you want to install from sources the package which needs compilation? (in reference to dplyr 1.0.3 instead of dplyr 1.0.4) --> No

Launch a lesson:

  1. In the console (bottom left) type: learnr::run_tutorial("ct-1", "StatTheoryLabs")

Stop a lesson

  1. Click stop sign on the left.


  • If you get some kind of error having to do with "parse" when you try to run a tutorial:

Click "Session" --> "Restart R" and try to run the tutorial again.

  • The tutorial will often pop up in a new browser tab automatically. If you have a popup blocker, you might need to turn it off or update the settings.

Available Vignettes

  • "code-training-1": intro to RStudio

Available Tutorials

  • "first-day": first day activity to guess the color
  • "ct-1": code training 1 - intro to interactive tutorials
  • "ct-2": code training 2 - structures and subsetting
  • "ct-3": code training 3 - loops
  • "ct-4": code training 4 - plots and probability distributions
  • "ct-9": code training 9 - plot expectation sketching
  • "lab1": Estimation (capture-recapture)
  • "sampling-practice": extra sampling, bootstrap, and permutation distribution practice

Available Templates

  • "lab0": reproducibility and documentation
  • "lab1": estimation (capture-recapture)
  • "lab2": sampling distributions
  • "lab3": bootstrap
  • "lab4": confidence intervals
  • "lab5": hypothesis testing
  • "code-training-5": Functions and Simulating Data
  • "code-training-6": Functions and Simulating Power
  • "code-training-7": Simulation Scenarios and Preliminary Plots
  • "code-training-8": Tidy Data and Better Plots
  • "intro-np": introduction to nonparametrics
  • "intro-project": introduction to final project
  • "hw7": optimization for bivariate MLE

(under development and updating for Spring 2022)

How to Submit Google Form portion of Lab

Note: your Google form might look a little different, but the instructions stay the same.


I can't see the Google Form at the end.

Open in the browser (this should happen automatically if you use run_tutorial ), use Google Chrome, and make sure you are logged in to your Bucknell e-mail in the same browser (only Bucknell authenticated accounts can access the form to avoid any spam).

Run into any problems not listed above? Let me know and when we figure it out we'll add to the list.


learnr tutorials and labs for a mathematical statistics course