sasikumarvenkat / Spring-boot-mybatis

A Sample REST API Application using Spring boot, Spring MVC, and Mybatis for ORM and Persistence with MySQL database.

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Sample REST API Application with MyBatis

This project is a best starter pack solution for developing the REST APIs with Java8, Spring Boot, Spring MVC and MyBatis.

Spring Boot & Spring MVC

Spring Boot is ready-made collection of different frameworks to build an enterprise application. Spring Boot includes Spring Framework 5, Jersey(JAX-RS), Tomcat, Jetty, DB Connector and many. Spring MVC allows to develop a web application with MVC(Model, View, Controller) Design Pattern. To get familarized with Spring MVC Application, the following Spring annotations are useful.

  1. @Controller - This annotation defines the controller for the web application, model will communicate with the database and view for presenting the user interface through JSP or HTML.
  2. @RestController - This annotation defines the Contoller class with REST Enabled. So, we can able to write API methods inside it.
  3. @Service - This annotation defines the business logic part to be implemented in the web application.
  4. @Component - This annotation makes the class or interface as a Spring Component.
  5. @Autowired - This annotation automatically wires the instance of either @Component or @Service classes.
  6. @RequestMapping - This is Spring MVC annotation for specifying the path of the rest service. Example, \api\v1\hello
  7. @RequestBody - This is also a Spring MVC annotation for reading the body payload of the requested API method.
  8. @RequestParam - This is also a Spring MVC annotation for the query parameters or path parameters. Example, \api\v1\user? or \api\v1\user\{id}\profile, where {id} is a path param.

MyBatis and MySQL

MyBatis is an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) framework for performing CRUD( Create, Retrive, Update , Delete) operation with a database.

Connect to MySQL database, with URL, jdbc:mysql/localhost:3306/users_db?ssl=false ,username and password as root and root respectively.

MySQL DDL Script

create database users_db;
use users_db;

create table users(id int, name varchar(75), primary key(id));

select * from users;

Build the Application

To build this project, use the following command.

gradle build

Run the Application

To start the API service, use the following command.

gradle bootRun 


java -jar build/libs/*.jar


A Sample REST API Application using Spring boot, Spring MVC, and Mybatis for ORM and Persistence with MySQL database.


Language:Java 100.0%