sasi86 / DataStructuresAndAlogrithms

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Implement BST - Binary Search Tree

REST founder - Roy Fielding also the author of HTTP Spec

Service Definition -For SOAP - WSDL -For REST - Nothing but used something like WADL,HATEOAS

SOAP follows SOAP Web service specification REST(REpresentational State Transfer) - No Spec but there are Guidelines -


  1. RESOURCE LOCATION Example of Resource based URI(nouns not verbs) For filtering and pagination use query params /messages?offset=10&limit=30

2 types of resource URIs 1. Instance resource URIs ex: /messages/{messageId} 2. Collection resource URIs ex : /messages

  1. HTTP Methods GET(get info),POST(save new),PUT(update),DELETE(delete info),[head,options(rare)]

Repeatable Operations - GET,DELETE,PUT Non-Repeatable Operations - POST

  1. HTTP Status Codes(metadata) 200 - Ok , 201 Created(Post rescource created), 204 No Content (DELETED resource)

4XX - are client screwsup something when sending a request 404 - Not found , 400 Bad Request (Server unable to understand request[wrong format/data]), 401 - Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 415 - Unsupported Media Type(Client speaks in a format that cannot be understood by the Server)

5XX - are server screwsup something when sending a response 500 - Server Error,

  1. Http Headers (metadata) Content Types : text/xml,application/json

Guidelines for naming Resource URI Video 3 & 4.


@Path("/url") @GET,@POST - http methods annotated with methods @Produces(MediaType.*) - send back the response in the sepcified format



Language:Java 100.0%