sashkosnail / CC3000_REST

REST API for the CC3000 chip and Arduino

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



A simple example of a REST API for Arduino and the CC3000 WiFi chip. It allows to make REST calls from a web browser or a webserver to control the pins of an Arduino board.

Supported hardware

The project is at the moment compatible with the following Arduino boards: Uno, Mega, Due, Teensy 3.0.

It is also compatible with most CC3000 breakout boards, and was tested with the Adafruit CC3000 breakout board and CC3000 WiFi shield.

Supported browsers

The project has been tested with Chrome 33, Safari 7 and Firefox 27.


Quick test

  1. Connect a LED & resistor to pin number 8 of your Arduino board
  2. Open the sketch and modify the WiFi SSID, password & security
  3. Upload the sketch
  4. Go to a web browser and type arduino.local/mode/8/o to set the pin as an output
  5. Now type arduino.local/digital/8/1 and the LED should turn on

API documentation

The API currently supports three type of commands: digital, analog, and mode.

Digital is to write or read on digital pins on the Arduino. For example:

  • /digital/8/0 sets pin number 8 to a low state
  • /digital/8/1 sets pin number 8 to a high state
  • /digital/8/r reads value from pin number 8

Analog is to write or read on analog pins on the Arduino. Note that you can only write on PWM pins for the Arduino Uno, and only read analog values from analog pins 0 to 5. For example:

  • /analog/6/123 sets pin number 6 to 123 using PWM
  • /analog/0/r reads analog value from pin number A0

Mode is to change the mode on a pin. For example:

  • /mode/8/o sets pin number 8 as an output
  • /mode/8/i sets pin number 8 as an input


In case you cannot access your Arduino board via the mDNS service (by typing arduino.local in your browser), you need to get the IP address of the board. Upload the sketch to the Arduino board, and then open the Serial monitor. The IP address of the board should be printed out. Simply copy it on a web browser, and you can make REST call like:


REST API for the CC3000 chip and Arduino