sash / jqueryui-init

jQueryUI widget that lets you use data attributes to apply any of the jQueryUI widgets

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

jQueryUI Init

A widget that lets you use data-ui-* attributes to init your jQueryUI widgets w/out wrinting any JS code


  • Assigning data-ui="tabs" attrubute (for instance) to the div that holds your ul and tab divs is all you need to setup the tabs widget
  • Works with all widgets (custom or bundeled) with no additional configuration
  • Uses livequery so you don't need to do anything when loading new DOM dynamically
  • Automatic destroy for all widgets that are removed from DOM
  • You will never initialize widget twice


<p data-ui="buttonset"><a href="#" data-ui="button" data-ui-button-icons-primary="ui-icon-check">test 1</a><a href="#">test 2</a></p>
<div data-ui="tabs">
		<li><a href="#tab1">tab1</a></li>
		<li><a href="#tab2">tab2</a></li>
		<li><a href="#tab3">tab3</a></li>
	<div id="tab1">t1</div>
	<div id="tab2">t2</div>
	<div id="tab3">t3</div>

See example.html for a more thorough example of the usage


  1. Load the jqueryui-init.js after loading jquery, jqueryui, and livequery. Thats it! Use data-ui="widget1 widget2" to mark your widgets
  2. Load some custom widgets
  3. Add some new dom
  4. Remove some dom

jQuery functions

  • .attrs: function that returns an object with all attributes on the element (optionally beginning with param).
  • .addUi(widgets): add new widgets to data-ui. A clone of .addClass
  • .removeUi(widgets): remove widgets from data-ui. A clone of .removeClass
  • .toggleUi(widgets): toggle widgets in data-ui. A clone of .toggleClass
  • .hasUi(widgets): checks if widgets are set in data-ui. A clone of .hasClass

Note: The *Ui functions are designed as helpers only. You can directly manipulate the data-ui attribute to the same effect


jQueryUI widget that lets you use data attributes to apply any of the jQueryUI widgets

License:GNU General Public License v2.0