saschagottfried / fds

Fire Dynamics Simulator

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fire Dynamics Simulator and Smokeview

Build Status

Continuous Integration. Continuous Improvement.

Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) is a large-eddy simulation (LES) code for low-speed flows, with an emphasis on smoke and heat transport from fires.

Smokeview (SMV) is a visualization program used to display the output of FDS and CFAST simulations.


For more information, including a link to our discussion forum, please visit the FDS-SMV website.

Pull requests welcome! Pull requests are build with Travis CI using GNU Fortran and Open MPI to address project contribution guidelines and to provide a continuous integration workflow available for contributors outside of NIST. Notice the build tag (green/red) on top of the page.

Build status

Here is a link to our Firebot Build Status.

Build instruction for Linux OS

Install software

  • Vagrant and VirtualBox

Clone the repo

$> git clone

Fire up Vagrant box

$> cd fds
$> vagrant up

When Vagrant provisioner, connect to box.

Connect to Vagrant box

$> vagrant ssh

Build FDS

Compile FDS with GNU/OMPI toolchain with MKL environment for Intel 64 architecture

$> source /opt/intel/mkl/bin/ intel64
$> source /vagrant/
$> cd /vagrant/Build/mpi_gnu_linux_64
$> ./

Run FDS case

After building FDS you can connect to Vagrant box an run a FDS file

$ /vagrant/Build/mpi_gnu_linux_64/fds_mpi_gnu_linux_64 simple_glmat.fds
 Using GLMAT as pressure solver. List of H unknown numbers per proc:
 MYID=       0, NUNKH_LOCAL=    2100

 Fire Dynamics Simulator

 Current Date     : March 15, 2018  16:57:47
 Revision         : FDS6.6.0-1079-g91c42d3-master
 Revision Date    : Wed Feb 14 16:02:36 2018 +0100
 Compiler         : unknown
 Compilation Date : Mar 15, 2018  14:43:09

 MPI Enabled;    Number of MPI Processes:       1
 OpenMP Enabled; Number of OpenMP Threads:      4

 MPI version: 3.1
 MPI library version: Open MPI v3.0.0, package: Open MPI root@vagrant Distribution, ident: 3.0.0, repo rev: v3.0.0, Sep 12, 2017

 Job TITLE        : Compart_Test
 Job ID string    : glmat

 Time Step:      1, Simulation Time:      0.16 s
 Time Step:      2, Simulation Time:      0.32 s
 Time Step:      3, Simulation Time:      0.47 s
 Time Step:      4, Simulation Time:      0.63 s
 Time Step:      5, Simulation Time:      0.79 s

Detailled build instruction

The workflow outlined above in a concise way is explained in detail as well.


Fire Dynamics Simulator



Language:Fortran 56.1%Language:TeX 33.7%Language:MATLAB 6.0%Language:Shell 2.4%Language:Batchfile 0.6%Language:Makefile 0.3%Language:Python 0.3%Language:Vim Script 0.2%Language:GLSL 0.2%Language:HTML 0.1%Language:Mathematica 0.0%Language:Smarty 0.0%