sasaki77 / zetemple

EPICS client to send metrics from IOC to Zabbix with host template

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Zabbix epics template sender

This package provides executable script to send metrics to Zabbix server from EPICS records via ChannelAccess.

PV names are obtained from template of Zabbix to monitor EPICS PVs.

The Item key of Zabbix template are must begin with "zetemple.". PV name must follow "zetemple." or last part of comma separated key as follow.

ex.1) zetemple.PV:name

ex.2) zetemple.comma.separated.PV:name

If the item key has pv, characters that follows pv are used as PV name.

ex.3) zetemple.comma.separated.pv.PV:name.field


Simple install is below.

pip install git+

Or clone this package and install it.

# clone the repository
git clone
cd zeteple
# install
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install git+


$ zetemple -h
usage: zetemple [-h] -f FILE [-s localhost] -t TEMPLATE [-p 10051] [-i 30] [-F last] [-u URL] [-U USER] [-P PASSWORD]
                [-l LOGCONFIG]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, -file FILE   CSV file
  -s localhost, --server localhost
                        Zabbix server ip address.
  -t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
                        Zabbix template name.
  -p 10051, --port 10051
                        Zabbix server port.
  -i 30, --interval 30  Sender interval.
  -F last, --function last
                        Sender Function. Default:
  -u URL, --zbx_url URL
                        URL to zabbix api.
  -U USER, --zbx_user USER
                        Zabbix user name.
  -P PASSWORD, --zbx_password PASSWORD
                        Zabbix user password.
  -l LOGCONFIG, --logconfig LOGCONFIG
                        logging config file path.


Install packages for develop

pip install -e .[develop]

Run without coverage:


Run with coverage:

pytest --cov zetemple
coverage report -m


EPICS client to send metrics from IOC to Zabbix with host template

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%