sarob / FiscalData

Data About the Financial Status of Contra Costa County Local Governments

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Data About the Financial Status of Contra Costa County Local Governments

This repo contains fiscal data and analysis for local governments in Contra Costa County.

Each city and town in the County produces a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Many have published reports for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2017. For others, the latest is June 30, 2016. You can see a repository of California CAFRs here: The repo also contains data extracted from 2017 CAFRs for selected cities in Contra Costa.

You can find budgets and other financial reports on each community's web site.

We have also provided data scraped from CalPERS reports showing current pension obligations and future pension contributions.

A possible resarch question that could be addressed by this data: Are public employee pension costs crowding out other government spending priorities? For a national invesigation of this question see:

#Some other relevant work


Data About the Financial Status of Contra Costa County Local Governments