sargissargsyan / workshop-env-setup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Testing Environment Setup for Workshop


This project sets up a consistent testing environment for our coding workshop. It ensures every participant has the same testing tools and versions, reducing setup time and potential discrepancies in test results.

Getting Started


Before the setup, ensure you have the following software installed on your machine:

  • Java
  • IntelliJ IDEA

Setting up AWS instance for the project

  1. Create an Ubuntu instance with 8GB and 32GB storage.
  2. Make sure that the security group is configured to be accessible from the outside.
  3. ssh to a created instance
  4. Install docker and docker-compose running this command sudo apt-get update && echo "Y" | sudo apt-get install && sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose


  1. Clone the project to your local machine using git clone
  2. Edit .env file and set the running machine IP for TAIGA_DOMAIN
  3. Run docker-compose -f docker-compose-taiga.yml up -d to start the Taiga app
  4. run docker-compose -f docker-compose-v3-dynamic-grid.yml up -d to start Selenium Grid


| docker-taiga | link | | docker-selenium | link |
