sarahjelinek / pmem-csi

Persistent Memory Container Storage Interface Driver

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PMEM-CSI for Kubernetes


Note: This is Alpha code and not production ready.

Intel PMEM-CSI is a storage driver for container orchestrators like Kubernetes. It makes local persistent memory (PMEM) available as a filesystem volume to container applications.

It can currently utilize non-volatile memory devices that can be controlled via the libndctl utility library. In this readme, we use persistent memory to refer to a non-volatile dual in-line memory module (NVDIMM).

The PMEM-CSI driver follows the CSI specification by listening for API requests and provisioning volumes accordingly.


Architecture and Operation

The PMEM-CSI driver can operate in two different device modes: LVM and direct. This table contains an overview and comparison of those modes. There is more detailed modes explanation down in following paragraphs.

LVM direct
Main advantage avoids free space fragmentation1 simpler, somewhat faster, but free space may get fragmented1
What is served LVM logical volume pmem block device
Region affinity2 yes: one LVM volume group is created per region, and a volume has to be in one volume group yes: namespace can belong to one region only
Startup two extra stages: pmem-ns-init (creates namespaces), vgm (creates volume groups) no extra steps at startup
Namespace modes fsdax mode3 namespaces pre-created as pools namespace in fsdax mode created directly, no need to pre-create pools
Limiting space usage can leave part of device unused during pools creation no limits, creates namespaces on device until runs out of space
Name field in namespace Name gets set to 'pmem-csi' to achieve own vs. foreign marking Name gets set to VolumeID, without attempting own vs. foreign marking
Minimum volume size 4 MB 1 GB (see also alignment adjustment below)
Alignment requirements LVM creation aligns size up to next 4MB boundary driver aligns size up to next alignment boundary. The default alignment step is 1 GB. Device(s) in interleaved mode will require larger minimum as size has to be at least one alignment step. The possibly bigger alignment step is calculated as interleave-set-size multiplied by 1 GB

1 Fragmented free space state may develop via series of creation and deletion operations where the driver is no longer able to allocate a new namespace contiguously, although the free capacity (i.e. sum of available free section sizes) indicates the opposite. The PMEM-CSI driver is not capable of de-fragmenting the space or create allocation using combined smaller blocks. A simplified example: This state develops after steps: create 63 GB namespace, create 1 GB namespace, delete 63 GB namespace. The free capacity is 127 GB, but the driver fails to create a namespace bigger than 64 GB.

|         63 GB free         | 1GB used |         64 GB free        |

2 Region affinity means that all parts of a provisioned file system are physically located on device(s) that belong to same PMEM region. This is important on multi-socket systems where media access time may vary based on where the storage device(s) are physically attached.

3 fsdax mode refers to the modes of NVDIMM namespaces. See Persistent Memory Programming for details. The devdax mode is not supported. It might make sense for a raw block volume when the application does not need a filesystem. But the devdax mode creates a character device, something that Kubernetes does not expect from a storage driver and cannot handle when it binds the device to a loop device,

LVM device mode

The following diagram illustrates the operation in LVM device mode: devicemode-lvm diagram

In LVM device mode PMEM-CSI driver uses LVM for logical volumes Management to avoid the risk of fragmentation. The LVM logical volumes are served to satisfy API requests. There is one volume group created per region, ensuring the region-affinity of served volumes.

The driver consists of three separate binaries that form two initialization stages and a third API-serving stage.

During startup, the driver scans persistent memory for regions and namespaces, and tries to create more namespaces using all or part (selectable via option) of the remaining available space. This first stage is performed by a separate entity pmem-ns-init.

The second stage of initialization arranges physical volumes provided by namespaces into LVM volume groups. This is performed by a separate binary pmem-vgm.

After two initialization stages, the third binary pmem-csi-driver starts serving CSI API requests.

Namespace modes in LVM device mode

The PMEM-CSI driver pre-creates namespaces in fsdax mode forming the corresponding LVM volume group. The amount of space to be used is determined using the option -useforfsdax given to pmem-ns-init. This options specifies an integer presenting limit as percentage. The default value is useforfsdax=100.

Using limited amount of total space in LVM device mode

The PMEM-CSI driver can leave space on devices for others, and recognize "own" namespaces. Leaving space for others can be achieved by specifying lower-than-100 value to -useforfsdax options The distinction "own" vs. "foreign" is implemented by setting the Name field in namespace to a static string "pmem-csi" during namespace creation. When adding physical volumes to volume groups, only those physical volumes that are based on namespaces with the name "pmem-csi" are considered.

Direct device mode

The following diagram illustrates the operation in Direct device mode: devicemode-direct diagram

In direct device mode PMEM-CSI driver allocates namespaces directly from the storage device. This creates device space fragmentation risk, but reduces complexity and run-time overhead by avoiding additional device mapping layer. Direct mode also ensures the region-affinity of served volumes, because provisioned volume can belong to one region only.

In Direct mode, the two preparation stages used in LVM mode, are not needed.

Namespace modes in direct device mode

The PMEM-CSI driver creates a namespace directly in the mode which is asked by volume creation request, thus bypassing the complexity of pre-allocated pools that are used in LVM device mode.

Using limited amount of total space in direct device mode

In direct device mode, the driver does not attempt to limit space use. It also does not mark "own" namespaces. The Name field of a namespace gets value of the VolumeID.

Driver modes

The PMEM-CSI driver supports running in different modes, which can be controlled by passing one of the below options to the driver's '-mode' command line option. In each mode, it starts a different set of open source Remote Procedure Call (gRPC) servers on given driver endpoint(s).

  • Controller should run as a single instance in cluster level. When the driver is running in Controller mode, it forwards the pmem volume create/delete requests to the registered node controller servers running on the worker node. In this mode, the driver starts the following gRPC servers:

  • One Node instance should run on each worker node that has persistent memory devices installed. When the driver starts in such mode, it registers with the Controller driver running on a given -registryEndpoint. In this mode, the driver starts the following servers:

Driver Components

Identity Server

This gRPC server operates on a given endpoint in all driver modes and implements the CSI Identity interface.

Node Registry Server

When the PMEM-CSI driver runs in Controller mode, it starts a gRPC server on a given endpoint(-registryEndpoint) and serves the RegistryServer interface. The driver(s) running in Node mode can register themselves with node specific information such as node id, NodeControllerServer endpoint, and their available persistent memory capacity.

Master Controller Server

This gRPC server is started by the PMEM-CSI driver running in Controller mode and serves the Controller interface defined by the CSI specification. The server responds to CreateVolume(), DeleteVolume(), ControllerPublishVolume(), ControllerUnpublishVolume(), and ListVolumes() calls coming from external-provisioner and external-attacher sidecars. It forwards the publish and unpublish volume requests to the appropriate Node controller server running on a worker node that was registered with the driver.

Node Controller Server

This gRPC server is started by the PMEM-CSI driver running in Node mode and implements the ControllerPublishVolume and ControllerUnpublishVolume methods of the Controller service interface defined by the CSI specification. It serves the ControllerPublishVolume() and ControllerUnpublish() requests coming from the Master controller server and creates/deletes persistent memory devices.

Node Server

This gRPC server is started by the driver running in Node mode and implements the Node service interface defined in the CSI specification. It serves the NodeStageVolume(), NodeUnstageVolume(), NodePublishVolume(), and NodeUnpublishVolume() requests coming from the Container Orchestrator (CO).

Communication between components

The following diagram illustrates the communication channels between driver components: communication diagram


All PMEM-CSI specific communication shown in above section between Master Controller(RegistryServer, MasterControllerServer) and NodeControllers(NodeControllerServer) is protected by mutual TLS. Both client and server must identify themselves and the certificate they present must be trusted. The common name in each certificate is used to identify the different components. The following common names have a special meaning:

The test/ script shows how to generate certificates signed by Kubernetes cluster root Certificate Authority. And the provided deployment files shows how to use the generated certificates to setup the driver. The test cluster is setup using certificates created by that script. The test/ script also shows how to generate self signed certificates. These are just examples, administrators of a cluster must ensure that they choose key lengths and algorithms of sufficient strength for their purposes and manage certificate distribution.

A production deployment can improve upon that by using some other key delivery mechanism, like for example Vault.

Volume Persistency

In a typical CSI deployment, volumes are provided by a storage backend that is independent of a particular node. When a node goes offline, the volume can be mounted elsewhere. But PMEM volumes are local to node and thus can only be used on the node where they were created. This means the applications using PMEM volume cannot freely move between nodes. This limitation needs to be considered when designing and deploying applications that are to use local storage.

Below are the volume persistency models considered for implementation in PMEM-CSI to serve different application use cases:

  • Persistent volumes
    A volume gets created independently of the application, on some node where there is enough free space. Applications using such a volume are then forced to run on that node and cannot run when the node is down. Data is retained until the volume gets deleted.

  • Ephemeral volumes
    Each time an application starts to run on a node, a new volume is created for it on that node. When the application stops, the volume is deleted. The volume cannot be shared with other applications. Data on this volume is retained only while the application runs.

  • Cache volumes
    Volumes are pre-created on a certain set of nodes, each with its own local data. Applications are started on those nodes and then get to use the volume on their node. Data persists across application restarts. This is useful when the data is only cached information that can be discarded and reconstructed at any time and the application can reuse existing local data when restarting.

Volume Kubernetes PMEM-CSI Limitations
Persistent supported supported topology aware scheduling1
Ephemeral supported2 supported resource constraints3
Cache supported supported topology aware scheduling1

1 Topology aware scheduling ensures that an application runs on a node where the volume was created. For CSI-based drivers like PMEM-CSI, Kubernetes >= 1.13 is needed. On older Kubernetes releases, pods must be scheduled manually onto the right node(s).

2 CSI ephemeral volumes feature support is alpha in Kubernetes v1.15, and beta in v1.16.

3 The upstream design for ephemeral volumes currently does not take resource constraints into account. If an application gets scheduled onto a node and then creating the ephemeral volume on that node fails, the application on the node cannot start until resources become available.

Usage on Kubernetes

Kubernetes cluster administrators can expose above mentioned persistent and cache volumes to applications using StorageClass Parameters. An optional persistencyModel parameter differentiates how the provisioned volume can be used:

  • no persistencyModel parameter or persistencyModel: normal in StorageClass
    A normal Kubernetes persistent volume. In this case PMEM-CSI creates PMEM volume on a node and the application that claims to use this volume is supposed to be scheduled onto this node by Kubernetes. Choosing of node is depend on StorageClass volumeBindingMode. In case of volumeBindingMode: Immediate PMEM-CSI chooses a node randomly, and in case of volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer (also known as late binding) Kubernetes first chooses a node for scheduling the application, and PMEM-CSI creates the volume on that node. Applications which claim a normal persistent volume has to use ReadOnlyOnce access mode in its accessModes list. This diagram illustrates how a normal persistent volume gets provisioned in Kubernetes using PMEM-CSI driver.

  • persistencyModel: cache
    Volumes of this type shall be used in combination with volumeBindingMode: Immediate. In this case, PMEM-CSI creates a set of PMEM volumes each volume on different node. The number of PMEM volumes to create can be specified by cacheSize StorageClass parameter. Applications which claim a cache volume can use ReadWriteMany in its accessModes list. Check with provided cache StorageClass example. This diagram illustrates how a cache volume gets provisioned in Kubernetes using PMEM-CSI driver.

NOTE: Cache volumes are associated with a node, not a pod. Multiple pods using the same cache volume on the same node will not get their own instance but will end up sharing the same PMEM volume instead. Application deployment has to consider this and use available Kubernetes mechanisms like node anti-affinity. Check with the provided cache application example.

WARNING: late binding (volumeBindingMode:WaitForFirstConsume) has some caveats:

  • Kubernetes does not consider available PMEM capacity on a node while scheduling the application. As a result, Kubernetes might select a node that does not have enough free PMEM space. In this case, volume creation fails and the pod is stuck until enough free space becomes available.
  • A node is only chosen the first time a pod starts. After that it will always restart on that node, because that is where the persistent volume was created.

Volume requests embedded in Pod spec are provisioned as ephemeral volumes. The volume request could use below fields as volumeAttributes:

key meaning optional values
size Size of the requested ephemeral volume as Kubernetes memory string ("1Mi" = 1024*1024 bytes, "1e3K = 1000000 bytes) No
eraseAfter Clear all data after use and before
deleting the volume
Yes true (default),

Check with provided example application for ephemeral volume usage.


Software required

The recommended mimimum Linux kernel version for running the PMEM-CSI driver is 4.15. See Persistent Memory Programming for more details about supported kernel versions.

Hardware required

Persistent memory device(s) are required for operation. However, some development and testing can be done using QEMU-emulated persistent memory devices. See the "QEMU and Kubernetes" section for the commands that create such a virtual test cluster.

Persistent memory pre-provisioning

The PMEM-CSI driver needs pre-provisioned regions on the NVDIMM device(s). The PMEM-CSI driver itself intentionally leaves that to the administrator who then can decide how much and how PMEM is to be used for PMEM-CSI.

Beware that the PMEM-CSI driver will run without errors on a node where PMEM was not prepared for it. It will then report zero local storage for that node, something that currently is only visible in the log files.

When running the Kubernetes cluster and PMEM-CSI on bare metal, the ipmctl utility can be used to create regions. App Direct Mode has two configuration options - interleaved or non-interleaved. One region per each NVDIMM is created in non-interleaved configuration. In such a configuration, a PMEM-CSI volume cannot be larger than one NVDIMM.

Example of creating regions without interleaving, using all NVDIMMs:

# ipmctl create -goal PersistentMemoryType=AppDirectNotInterleaved

Alternatively, multiple NVDIMMs can be combined to form an interleaved set. This causes the data to be striped over multiple NVDIMM devices for improved read/write performance and allowing one region (also, PMEM-CSI volume) to be larger than single NVDIMM.

Example of creating regions in interleaved mode, using all NVDIMMs:

# ipmctl create -goal PersistentMemoryType=AppDirect

When running inside virtual machines, each virtual machine typically already gets access to one region and ipmctl is not needed inside the virtual machine. Instead, that region must be made available for use with PMEM-CSI because when the virtual machine comes up for the first time, the entire region is already allocated for use as a single block device:

# ndctl list -RN
# ls -l /dev/pmem*
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 259, 0 Jun  4 16:41 /dev/pmem0

Labels must be initialized in such a region, which must be performed once after the first boot:

# ndctl disable-region region0
disabled 1 region
# ndctl init-labels nmem0
initialized 1 nmem
# ndctl enable-region region0
enabled 1 region
# ndctl list -RN
# ls -l /dev/pmem*
ls: cannot access '/dev/pmem*': No such file or directory

Supported Kubernetes versions

PMEM-CSI implements the CSI specification version 1.x, which is only supported by Kubernetes versions >= v1.13. The following table summarizes the status of support for PMEM-CSI on different Kubernetes versions:

Kubernetes version Required alpha feature gates Support status
1.13 CSINodeInfo, CSIDriverRegistry,
unsupported 1
1.15 CSIInlineVolume

1 Several relevant features are only available in alpha quality in Kubernetes 1.13 and the combination of skip attach and block volumes is completely broken, with the fix only being available in later versions. The external-provisioner v1.0.1 for Kubernetes 1.13 lacks the --strict-topology flag and therefore late binding is unreliable. It's also a release that is not supported officially by upstream anymore.


Get source code

PMEM-CSI uses Go modules and thus can be checked out and (if that should be desired) built anywhere in the filesystem. Pre-built container images are available and thus users don't need to build from source, but they will still need some additional files. To get the source code, use:

git clone

Run PMEM-CSI on Kubernetes

This section assumes that a Kubernetes cluster is already available with at least one node that has persistent memory device(s). For development or testing, it is also possible to use a cluster that runs on QEMU virtual machines, see the "QEMU and Kubernetes" section below.

  • Make sure that the alpha feature gates CSINodeInfo and CSIDriverRegistry are enabled

The method to configure alpha feature gates may vary, depending on the Kubernetes deployment. It may not be necessary anymore when the feature has reached beta state, which depends on the Kubernetes version.

  • Label the cluster nodes that provide persistent memory device(s)
    $ kubectl label node <your node> storage=pmem
  • Set up certificates

Certificates are required as explained in Security. If you are not using the test cluster described in Starting and stopping a test cluster where certificates are created automatically, you must set up certificates manually. This can be done by running the ./test/ script for your cluster. This script requires "cfssl" tools which can be downloaded. These are the steps for manual set-up of certificates:

  • Download cfssl tools
   $ curl -L -o _work/bin/cfssl --create-dirs
   $ curl -L -o _work/bin/cfssljson --create-dirs
   $ chmod a+x _work/bin/cfssl _work/bin/cfssljson
  • Run certificates set-up script
   $ KUBCONFIG="<<your cluster kubeconfig path>> PATH="$PATH:$PWD/_work/bin" ./test/
  • Deploy the driver to Kubernetes

The deploy/kubernetes-<kubernetes version> directory contains pmem-csi*.yaml files which can be used to deploy the driver on that Kubernetes version. The files in the directory with the highest Kubernetes version might also work for more recent Kubernetes releases. All of these deployments use images published by Intel on Docker Hub.

For each Kubernetes version, four different deployment variants are provided:

  • direct or lvm: one uses direct device mode, the other LVM device mode.
  • testing: the variants with testing in the name enable debugging features and shouldn't be used in production.

For example, to deploy for production with LVM device mode onto Kubernetes 1.14, use:

    $ kubectl create -f deploy/kubernetes-1.14/pmem-csi-lvm.yaml

These variants were generated with [kustomize]( kubectl >= 1.14 includes some support for that. The sub-directories of deploy/kubernetes-<kubernetes version> can be used as bases for kubectl kustomize. For example:

  • Change namespace:

    $ mkdir -p my-pmem-csi-deployment
    $ cat >my-pmem-csi-deployment/kustomization.yaml <<EOF
    namespace: pmem-csi
      - ../deploy/kubernetes-1.14/lvm
    $ kubectl create namespace pmem-csi
    $ kubectl create --kustomize my-pmem-csi-deployment
  • Configure how much PMEM is used by PMEM-CSI for LVM (see Namespace modes in LVM device mode):

    $ mkdir -p my-pmem-csi-deployment
    $ cat >my-pmem-csi-deployment/kustomization.yaml <<EOF
      - ../deploy/kubernetes-1.14/lvm
      - target:
          group: apps
          version: v1
          kind: DaemonSet
          name: pmem-csi-node
        path: lvm-parameters-patch.yaml
    $ cat >my-pmem-csi-deployment/lvm-parameters-patch.yaml <<EOF
    # pmem-ns-init is in the init container #0. Append arguments at the end.
    - op: add
      path: /spec/template/spec/initContainers/0/args/-
      value: "--useforfsdax=90"
    $ kubectl create --kustomize my-pmem-csi-deployment
  • Wait until all pods reach 'Running' status

    $ kubectl get pods
    NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pmem-csi-node-8kmxf     2/2     Running   0          3m15s
    pmem-csi-node-bvx7m     2/2     Running   0          3m15s
    pmem-csi-controller-0   2/2     Running   0          3m15s
    pmem-csi-node-fbmpg     2/2     Running   0          3m15s
  • Verify that the node labels have been configured correctly
    $ kubectl get nodes --show-labels

The command output must indicate that every node with PMEM has these two labels:<NODE-NAME>,storage=pmem

If storage=pmem is missing, label manually as described above. If is missing, then double-check that the alpha feature gates are enabled, that the CSI driver is running on the node, and that the driver's log output doesn't contain errors.

  • Define two storage classes using the driver
    $ kubectl create -f deploy/kubernetes-<kubernetes version>/pmem-storageclass-ext4.yaml
    $ kubectl create -f deploy/kubernetes-<kubernetes version>/pmem-storageclass-xfs.yaml
  • Provision two pmem-csi volumes
    $ kubectl create -f deploy/kubernetes-<kubernetes version>/pmem-pvc.yaml
  • Verify two Persistent Volume Claims have 'Bound' status
    $ kubectl get pvc
    NAME                STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS       AGE
    pmem-csi-pvc-ext4   Bound    pvc-f70f7b36-6b36-11e9-bf09-deadbeef0100   4Gi        RWO            pmem-csi-sc-ext4   16s
    pmem-csi-pvc-xfs    Bound    pvc-f7101fd2-6b36-11e9-bf09-deadbeef0100   4Gi        RWO            pmem-csi-sc-xfs    16s
  • Start two applications requesting one provisioned volume each
    $ kubectl create -f deploy/kubernetes-<kubernetes version>/pmem-app.yaml

These applications use storage: pmem in the nodeSelector list to ensure scheduling to a node supporting pmem device, and each requests a mount of a volume, one with ext4-format and another with xfs-format file system.

  • Verify two application pods reach 'Running' status
    $ kubectl get po my-csi-app-1 my-csi-app-2
    my-csi-app-1   1/1     Running   0          6m5s
    my-csi-app-2   1/1     Running   0          6m1s
  • Check that applications have a pmem volume mounted with added dax option
    $ kubectl exec my-csi-app-1 -- df /data
    Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                           4062912     16376   3820440   0% /data
    $ kubectl exec my-csi-app-2 -- df /data
    Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                           4184064     37264   4146800   1% /data

    $ kubectl exec my-csi-app-1 -- mount |grep /data
    /dev/ndbus0region0fsdax/5ccaa889-551d-11e9-a584-928299ac4b17 on /data type ext4 (rw,relatime,dax)
    $ kubectl exec my-csi-app-2 -- mount |grep /data
    /dev/ndbus0region0fsdax/5cc9b19e-551d-11e9-a584-928299ac4b17 on /data type xfs (rw,relatime,attr2,dax,inode64,noquota)

Note about raw block volumes

Applications can use volumes provisioned by PMEM-CSI as raw block devices. Such volumes use the same "fsdax" namespace mode as filesystem volumes and therefore are block devices. That mode only supports dax (= mmap(MAP_SYNC)) through a filesystem. Pages mapped on the raw block device go through the Linux page cache. Applications have to format and mount the raw block volume themselves if they want dax. The advantage then is that they have full control over that part.

For provisioning a PMEM volume as raw block device, one has to create a PersistentVolumeClaim with volumeMode: Block. See example PVC and application for usage reference.

That example demonstrates how to handle some details:

  • mkfs.ext4 needs -b 4096 to produce volumes that support dax; without it, the automatic block size detection may end up choosing an unsuitable value depending on the volume size.
  • Kubernetes bug #85624 must be worked around to format and mount the raw block device.

Automated testing

Unit testing and code quality

Use the make test command.

QEMU and Kubernetes

E2E testing relies on a cluster running inside multiple QEMU virtual machines deployed by GoVM. The same cluster can also be used interactively when real hardware is not available.

E2E testing is known to work on a Linux development host system. The user must be allowed to use Docker.

KVM must be enabled. Usually this is the case when /dev/kvm exists. The current user does not need the privileges to use KVM and QEMU doesn't have to be installed because GoVM will run QEMU inside a container with root privileges.

Note that cloud providers often don't offer KVM support on their regular machines. Search for "nested virtualization" for your provider to determine whether and how it supports KVM.

Nested virtualization is also needed when using Kata Containers inside the cluster. On Intel-based machines it can be enabled by loading the kvm_intel module with nested=1 (see At this time, Kata Containers up to and including 1.9.1 is not compatible with PMEM-CSI because volumes are not passed in as PMEM, but Kata Containers can be installed and used for applications that are not using PMEM.

The clear-cloud image is downloaded automatically. By default, four different virtual machines are prepared. Each image is pre-configured with its own hostname and with network.

The images will contain the latest Clear Linux OS and have the Kubernetes version supported by Clear Linux installed.

PMEM-CSI images must have been created and published in some Docker registry, as described earlier in build PMEM-CSI. In addition, that registry must be accessible from inside the cluster. That works for the default (a local registry in the build host) but may require setting additional configuration options for other scenarios.

Starting and stopping a test cluster

make start will bring up a Kubernetes test cluster inside four QEMU virtual machines. The first node is the Kubernetes master without persistent memory. The other three nodes are worker nodes with one emulated 32GB NVDIMM each. After the cluster has been formed, make start adds storage=pmem label to the worker nodes and deploys the PMEM-CSI driver. Once make start completes, the cluster is ready for interactive use via kubectl inside the virtual machine. Alternatively, you can also set KUBECONFIG as shown at the end of the make start output and use kubectl binary on the host running VMs.

When the cluster is already running, make start will re-deploy the PMEM-CSI driver without recreating the virtual machines. kubectl apply is used for this, which may limit the kind of changes that can be made on-the-fly.

Use make stop to stop and remove the virtual machines.

make restart can be used to cleanly reboot all virtual machines. This is useful during development after a make push-images to ensure that the cluster runs those rebuilt images.

Running commands on test cluster nodes over ssh

make start generates ssh wrapper scripts _work/pmem-govm/ssh.N for each test cluster node which are handy for running a single command or to start an interactive shell. Examples:

_work/pmem-govm/ssh.0 kubectl get pods runs a kubectl command on the master node.

_work/pmem-govm/ssh.1 starts a shell on the first worker node.

Configuration options

Several aspects of the cluster and build setup can be configured by overriding the settings in the file. See that file for a description of all options. Options can be set as environment variables of make start on a case-by-case basis or permanently by creating a file like test/test-config.d/

Multiple different clusters can be brought up in parallel by changing the default pmem-govm cluster name via the CLUSTER env variable.

For example, this invocation sets up a cluster using the non-default direct device mode:

TEST_DEVICEMODE=direct CLUSTER=clear-govm-direct make start

Running E2E tests

make test_e2e will run csi-test sanity tests and some Kubernetes storage tests against the PMEM-CSI driver.

When ginkgo is installed, then it can be used to run individual tests and to control additional aspects of the test run. For example, to run just the E2E provisioning test (create PVC, write data in one pod, read it in another) in verbose mode:

$ KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/_work/pmem-govm/kube.config REPO_ROOT=$(pwd) ginkgo -v -focus=pmem-csi.* ./test/e2e/
Nov 26 11:21:28.805: INFO: The --provider flag is not set.  Treating as a conformance test.  Some tests may not be run.
Running Suite: PMEM E2E suite
Random Seed: 1543227683 - Will randomize all specs
Will run 1 of 61 specs

Nov 26 11:21:28.812: INFO: checking config
Nov 26 11:21:28.812: INFO: >>> kubeConfig: /nvme/gopath/src/
Nov 26 11:21:28.817: INFO: Waiting up to 30m0s for all (but 0) nodes to be schedulable
Ran 1 of 61 Specs in 58.465 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 1 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 60 Skipped

Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 1m3.850672246s
Test Suite Passed

It is also possible to run just the sanity tests until one of them fails:

$ REPO_ROOT=`pwd` ginkgo '-focus=sanity' -failFast ./test/e2e/

Application examples

Information about specific usages of PMEM-CSI are described in separate documents:

  • Deploying a Redis cluster through the redis-operator using QEMU-emulated persistent memory devices (examples/
  • Installing Kubernetes and PMEM-CSI on Google Cloud machines. (examples/

Communication and contribution

Report a bug by filing a new issue.

Contribute by opening a pull request.

Learn about pull requests.

Reporting a Potential Security Vulnerability: If you have discovered potential security vulnerability in PMEM-CSI, please send an e-mail to For issues related to Intel Products, please visit Intel Security Center.

It is important to include the following details:

  • The projects and versions affected
  • Detailed description of the vulnerability
  • Information on known exploits

Vulnerability information is extremely sensitive. Please encrypt all security vulnerability reports using our PGP key.

A member of the Intel Product Security Team will review your e-mail and contact you to collaborate on resolving the issue. For more information on how Intel works to resolve security issues, see: vulnerability handling guidelines.


Persistent Memory Container Storage Interface Driver

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 74.5%Language:Shell 17.6%Language:Makefile 6.2%Language:Dockerfile 1.6%