saraheisa / Next.js-development-notes

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Next: The good parts

Different rendering techniques

static site generation

best for static content

  • the pages are rendered on the server
  • cashed on CDN
  • Served to the user from the nearest CDN

A huge boost in performance


  • only runs at build time (deployment)
  • only runs on server side
  • won't be included on client bundle (run hidden API calls)
  • exported on page files only


prerender all the possible pages with dynamic routes like id

a page that uses dynamic routes, Next.js will statically pre-render all the paths specified bygetStaticPaths.

it needs to define a list of paths that have to be rendered to HTML at build time.

You can also use a fallback to use when a path doesn't exist

  • same as getStaticProps but it's for dynamic routes
  • you need to give it the set of dynamic values (ex: ids) to be pre-rendered
  • it should also export getStaticProps
  • must have a fallback strategy

Fallback strategies

  • false if any paths not returned by getStaticPaths → redirect to 404 page
  • true if any paths not returned by getStaticPaths → render the component anyway and then runs getStaticProps to generate a new path and cache it
  • blocking if any paths not returned by getStaticPaths → block rendering till new path is generated

Server-side rendering

best for dynamic content

  • Render content on the server
  • on every refresh, you're re-rendering content again on the server

Incremental site regeneration

the best of both worlds

you can have static content + dynamic content


node package runner

run executable files

Performance in next

  • code splitting
  • minification
  • Image optimization
  • pre-fetch assets
  • there's a node server configured for you so you can run serverless functions


built-in pre-fetching for links

use as to define params in the link like id

<link as="/post/first" href="/post/[id]">


declaratively route between pages

used to access params from the router


special file

custom server

opts out from optimization

.env file

when it has NEXT_PUBLIC prefix it's shared with the client and can be accessed on the browser

when it's not it's only shared on the server

Serverless functions

Serverless function workflow

Serverless function workflow

Using API routes to implement serverless functions

Rules for API Route

  • the file needs to be a function
  • the function needs to be exported by default
  • every function should be it's own file
  • use […slug] to catch all routes but it has the least priority than all the other routes
  • can't be called inside getStaticProps
