Sara Gholamhoseinian (saraghl)


Geek Repo

Location:Tehran, Iran

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sara Gholamhoseinian's repositories


You may access the problem sets for the Data Analysis course I successfully completed at SBU in this repository. They come with a variety of issues. This course's primary topics included data mining, data analysis, and information extraction from data, as well as Monte Carlo techniques, particularly the Metropolis-Hastings and MCMC algorithms.

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Ising simulation in 2D and critical exponents using Monte Carlo methods

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During the cosmology undergraduate course, I prepared this term paper, focusing on the CONCEPT simulation. Through this amazing journey to the world of N-body simulations, I used the Master's thesis of Dr. Jeppe Mosgaard Dakin, named "Computing Dark Universes". Also I used the CONCEPT simulation tutorial to run the recommended simulations.



In this repository, There are various problem sets i solved in numerical simulation course using python.

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this repository is for the cosmology course in the Winter of 1401. you can find out your computational homework here.

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I attempted to categorise stars in this project using the Kaggle data set. The project proposal contains all of the goals, and the project report has all of the outcomes. Additionally, the project presentation file contains a presentation I gave at SBU.

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as we know, FFT is one of the most practical tools in signal processing and also astrophysical signals. in this repository, you will find out implementation of FFT on sunspot data set.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0