sanzous / React-Weather-App

Simple Weather App using React and Tailwindcss

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Simple Weather App

Simple Weather App to get weather of searched city.


Link to project:

How It's Made:

Tech used: React / Tailwind

Tech used was React and Tailwind. Makes simple API request to for searched city weather information.

Optimizations/Planned Features

  1. Changing background dependent on weather.
  2. Add more Info on location. Maybe use another API call to get more city information.
  3. Add more animations.
  4. Create tailwind styled components to make more readable code.

Lessons Learned:

Simple app to showcase ability to make use of json data from a fetch request. Also practice for using React with simple inline Tailwind.


Simple Weather App using React and Tailwindcss


Language:JavaScript 87.9%Language:HTML 7.2%Language:CSS 5.0%