sanyathisside / Graph

Graph data strucutre.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Graph is a data structure that is like a network. (Non-Linear)
  • Applications:
    • Shortest Paths in Google Maps
    • Social Networking
    • Circuit Design
    • Routing Algorithms
    • Resolving Dependencies
    • Graphs in Deep Learning
    • Web Document (DOM Tree)
    • Image Processing and Segmentation

Graphs Representation

  1. 2D Array (Adjacency Matrix)

    • Directed egde
    • Undirected edge (Bidirected edge)
    • Advantages:
      • Searching: O(1)
    • Disadvantages:
      • To store all the edges it will take O(n^2).
      • Finding neighbours will take O(n) time.
  2. Edge List (Edges and Vertices)

  3. Adjacency List

    • Advantage:
      • Neighbours: O(neighbours) [Quite Fast]
      • Memory Efficient
  4. Implicit Graph

Maximum edges: NC2

Minimum edges: 0

Minimum edges(connected graph): (N-1)edges (Example: tree)

Adjacency List Representation

Graph Traversal

Directed acyclic graph

  • Topological sort using DFS
  • Topological sort using BFS
    • Indegree: Number of incoming edges.
    • Outdegree: Number of outgoing edges.
    • We can start with indegree of 0.

Undirected graph is a tree or not

Given an undirected graph, check if it is a tree or not.

  • If the graph contains a cycle it is not a tree.
  • If we are visiting a node more than one time, cycle is present. (Also check that the node is not the parent of the element).
  • Cycle detection using DFS.

Cycle detection in directed graph

Check for cycle in directed graph.

  • If a graph has back edge, it contains cycle.
  • We can maintain a stack(for path traversed, but implemented as array to make look up possible at O(1)) and a visited array.
  • Using DFS.

  • A simple variant of BFS/DFS that can be used to label(color) the various connected components present in a graph.
  • It is generally performed on implicit graphs (2d matrices).
  • Starting from a particular cell, we call DFS on the neighbouring cell to color them.

Dijkstra Algorithm

  • An alogrithm that helps us to find the shortest path on the weighted graph.
  • No negative weight cycle.
  • Single source shortest path. (SSSP)
  • Initially all the nodes have let infinite distance.
  • Pick the node with minimum given weight. (use a priority queue or set, but since we can't update in a priority queue we will prefer set).

Disjoint Set Data Structure and Union Find Algo

Cycle detection using DSU

  • If we add an edge within the connected components there will be cycle.

Kruskal's Concept (Minimum spanning tree)

  • A spanning tree is a tree of graph that connects the graph into one connected components withput any cycle.
  • A minimum spanning tree is a subset of the edges of a connected, edge-weighted undirected graph that connects all the vertices together, without any cycles and with the minimum possible total edge weight.
  • Steps:
    • Sort all the edges according to their weights.
    • Add the edge in the graph such that it forms no cycle. (Greedy :P)

Prim's Concept (Minimum spanning tree)

  • Active edge: If an edge is an active edge, then either of one vertex is a MST vertex. (points MST vertex to a non MST vertex).
  • MST edge: Edge that is included in the MST.
  • MST vertex: Vertex that is included in the MST.
  • Prim's algorithm is greedy algorithm and similar to Dijkstra's.
  • Steps: (We can make a priority queue for better time complexity).
    • Select source vertex (any vertex from the graph). (x)
    • Out of all the active edges choose the one with the smallest weight.(x---y) x:MST vertex, y: non MST vertex
    • Make all edges of y to be active edges.
    • Repeat steps 2 and 3.

Bellman Ford Algorithm

  • Single source shortest path algorithm.
  • Also handles negative weight edges.
  • Why not Dijkstra? Because dijkstra works for only positive weighted edge.
  • Directed graph, because if there'll be undirected graph then for negative weight it will creat a negative weight cycle.
  • It works in a dynamic programming way.
  • Relaxing the edge.
  • Steps:
      1. dist[src]=0
        • dist[other]=inf
      1. relax all edges. (n-1) times
        • rep (n-1) ---> O(n-1)
        • rep (m) ---> O(m)
        • relax (u,v) ---> O(1)
      1. Check if we can relax an edge any furhter.
        • If yes, it contains a negative edge cycle.

Floyd-Warshall Algorithm

  • Used to find shortest path between all pairs of vertcies (directed as well as undirected)
  • Will work even if negative edges are present.
  • Will also be able to detect negative cycles.
  • Time complexity: O(V^3)
  • Space complexity: O(V^2)

  • DP with bitmasking (Top down)
  • Hamiltonian cycle: Set of edges such that every node is visited once and reach back to starting node.
  • This que will be a min weight Hamiltonian cycle.
  • Brute force: Generate all n fact. of the given node and try to find the path of the cycle. O(n!)

Strongly connected components (Kosaraju's algorithm)

  • Strongly conencted graph: Directed graph such that each of it's vertices can be visited from other vertices. (There is a path between every two vertices).
  • If we can go from source to sink, and then reverse the graph and again go from source to sink then it is a strongly connected components.