Sanyam Srivastava's repositories


Object Oriented Design- UML diagrams of the game pacman made by ArgoUML.


This repository contains DSA codes WITHOUT using collection classes.(Work in progress)



Online shopping database using SQL. I've also performed various queries on the db after adding in rows for tables which are linked with each other & primary & foreign keys. I've also added the ER diagram & Mapping which I made on paper for rough sketch. NOTE- I've directly copied the queries from the sql editor along with the outputs.


Killing the boredom of quarentine by creating this mini project. Readme for details.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:6Issues:0Issues:0


Building a shopping mall at a correct place in India using machine learning clustering algorithm K means and Foursquare API

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:5Issues:2Issues:0