=========================================== The Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 Dataset =========================================== For more information about the dataset, visit the project website: http://www.vision.caltech.edu/visipedia If you use the dataset in a publication, please cite the dataset in the style described on the dataset website (see url above). Directory Information --------------------- - images/ The images organized in subdirectories based on species. See IMAGES AND CLASS LABELS section below for more info. - parts/ 15 part locations per image. See PART LOCATIONS section below for more info. - attributes/ 322 binary attribute labels from MTurk workers. See ATTRIBUTE LABELS section below for more info. ========================= IMAGES AND CLASS LABELS: ========================= Images are contained in the directory images/, with 200 subdirectories (one for each bird species) ------- List of image files (images.txt) ------ The list of image file names is contained in the file images.txt, with each line corresponding to one image: <image_id> <image_name> ------------------------------------------ ------- Train/test split (train_test_split.txt) ------ The suggested train/test split is contained in the file train_test_split.txt, with each line corresponding to one image: <image_id> <is_training_image> where <image_id> corresponds to the ID in images.txt, and a value of 1 or 0 for <is_training_image> denotes that the file is in the training or test set, respectively. ------------------------------------------------------ ------- List of class names (classes.txt) ------ The list of class names (bird species) is contained in the file classes.txt, with each line corresponding to one class: <class_id> <class_name> -------------------------------------------- ------- Image class labels (image_class_labels.txt) ------ The ground truth class labels (bird species labels) for each image are contained in the file image_class_labels.txt, with each line corresponding to one image: <image_id> <class_id> where <image_id> and <class_id> correspond to the IDs in images.txt and classes.txt, respectively. --------------------------------------------------------- ========================= BOUNDING BOXES: ========================= Each image contains a single bounding box label. Bounding box labels are contained in the file bounding_boxes.txt, with each line corresponding to one image: <image_id> <x> <y> <width> <height> where <image_id> corresponds to the ID in images.txt, and <x>, <y>, <width>, and <height> are all measured in pixels ========================= PART LOCATIONS: ========================= ------- List of part names (parts/parts.txt) ------ The list of all part names is contained in the file parts/parts.txt, with each line corresponding to one part: <part_id> <part_name> ------------------------------------------ ------- Part locations (parts/part_locs.txt) ------ The set of all ground truth part locations is contained in the file parts/part_locs.txt, with each line corresponding to the annotation of a particular part in a particular image: <image_id> <part_id> <x> <y> <visible> where <image_id> and <part_id> correspond to the IDs in images.txt and parts/parts.txt, respectively. <x> and <y> denote the pixel location of the center of the part. <visible> is 0 if the part is not visible in the image and 1 otherwise. ---------------------------------------------------------- ------- MTurk part locations (parts/part_click_locs.txt) ------ A set of multiple part locations for each image and part, as perceived by multiple MTurk users is contained in parts/part_click_locs.txt, with each line corresponding to the annotation of a particular part in a particular image by a different MTurk worker: <image_id> <part_id> <x> <y> <visible> <time> where <image_id>, <part_id>, <x>, <y> are in the same format as defined in parts/part_locs.txt, and <time> is the time in seconds spent by the MTurk worker. ---------------------------------------------------------- ========================= ATTRIBUTE LABELS: ========================= ------- List of attribute names (attributes/attributes.txt) ------ The list of all attribute names is contained in the file attributes/attributes.txt, with each line corresponding to one attribute: <attribute_id> <attribute_name> ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- List of certainty names (attributes/certainties.txt) ------ The list of all certainty names (used by workers to specify their certainty of an attribute response of is contained in the file attributes/certainties.txt, with each line corresponding to one certainty: <certainty_id> <certainty_name> ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- MTurk image attribute labels (attributes/image_attribute_labels.txt) ------ The set of attribute labels as perceived by MTurkers for each image is contained in the file attributes/image_attribute_labels.txt, with each line corresponding to one image/attribute/worker triplet: <image_id> <attribute_id> <is_present> <certainty_id> <time> where <image_id>, <attribute_id>, <certainty_id> correspond to the IDs in images.txt, attributes/attributes.txt, and attributes/certainties.txt respectively. <is_present> is 0 or 1 (1 denotes that the attribute is present). <time> denotes the time spent by the MTurker in seconds. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Class attribute labels (attributes/class_attribute_labels_continuous.txt) ------ Attributes on a per-class level--in a similar format to the Animals With Attributes dataset--are contained in attributes/class_attribute_labels_continuous.txt. The file contains 200 lines and 312 space-separated columns. Each line corresponds to one class (in the same order as classes.txt) and each column contains one real-valued number corresponding to one attribute (in the same order as attributes.txt). The number is the percentage of the time (between 0 and 100) that a human thinks that the attribute is present for a given class ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------