santiracca / masterclass

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Flutter Masterclass


This project serves as a demo to showcase some key features to make flutter development an incredible experience

Table of Contents

  • Arquitecture
  • Testing
  • Native
  • Configuration
  • Libraries


We follow a clean arquitecture approach that enforces seperation of concerns. This allows our code to be more readable, testable and less error-prone. Our own custom approach to the arquitecture is to have three main layers.


This layer holds all the logic related to the UI. It has little to no business logic and primarily serves to display views and widgets to the user and receive user interaction. By keeping this layer free from all business logic, we can safely work on UI design and not have to worry about breaking functionality. Additionaly, this also has the benefit of making the views and widgets relatively lean, thus further enhancing readability.

This layer also holds our state controllers. These controllers focus on reducing state and making calls to either a usecase or a repository.


This layer is where the main business logic of the application resides, it is the "meat" of the app. The layer is primary split into models, repositories and use cases.

  • Models: Holds the bussiness entities of the application
  • Repositories: Holds the abstract class that specify what a repository implementation must fullfill. By keeping the abstraction in this layer, we can improve testability.
  • Usecases: Usecases are where application specific business logic is performed. These usecases are single responsibility classes that allow our business logic to be seperated from the flutter framework.


This layer holds the repository implementations and primarily focuses on making database and API requests. By seperating this layer from the business logic, we can achieve tremendous independency from specific database and API providers, making transitions to different providers relatively easy.


Unit Tests

Flutter Unit Test Documentation

Integration Tests

In flutter, Integration testing erroneusly refers to E2E Testing. It is important to understand the difference to avoid confusion

E2E Testing

Flutter Integration Testing Documentation

Flutter Integration Testing with Firebase Test Lab

Static methods in flutter cannot be mocked, if you need to mock a static method then create a wrapper class around the library.


Factory Constructors

Dart Constructors

Factory constructors are very useful to deserialize data coming from a server into a model. Additionally they provide other useful usecases


Dart Generics Documentation

Generics in dart allow us to create composable classes and functions in order to achieve improved type safety as well as avoid code duplication.


Dart Extension Methods

Extension methods allow us to add functionality to existing libraries such as adding a custom method on the String class for custom formatting.


Dart Mixins

Mixins allow to reuse class functionality without having to extend from a base class. Dart only allows extending one base class.

Callable Classes

Dart Callable Classes

Implementing the call method in a class allows us to call a class like a function


Method Channels

Method Channel Documentation

Event Channels

Flutter Event Channels




State Management

Navigation, Snackbars and Dialog



Language:Dart 56.0%Language:HTML 38.1%Language:Swift 4.2%Language:Kotlin 1.3%Language:Objective-C 0.4%