sanjulamadurapperuma / oidc-custom-claim-permission-handler

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Custom OIDC Permission Claim Handler

This is a custom claim permission handler for WSO2 Identity Server that is built to work with the /oauth2/token endpoint as opposed to the recommended /oauth2/authorize endpoint.

An advantage of this custom handler is that redirection is not required, since it used the password grant type and the /oauth2/token endpoint.

1 - Getting Started

  1. Fork and clone the project.
  2. Run mvn clean install in a terminal at the root directory of this project.
  3. Find the built jar artifact file in the target folder.

2 - Steps to configure the custom claim permission handler

  1. Add the org.wso2.oidc.custom.claim.handler-1.0.jar file into the <IS_HOME>/repository/components/lib folder.
  2. Include the following configuration in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.
  1. Start the WSO2 Identity Server Instance.
  2. Create a new 'Local Claim' to represent the user permissions.
    1. Go to Claims section in the management console, click Add and then Add Local Claim option.
    2. Decide on which level you need the permissions to be returned and create the claim considering the structure.
    3. Or you can retrieve all permissions assigned to a particular user identity by defining the Claim URI as ''.

More information about adding a local claim can be found here:

  1. Create an External Claim that is mapped to the local claim that was created in Step 2.
    1. Go to Claims section in the management console, click Add and then Add External Claim option.
    2. Select as the Dialect URI, provide a desired name for External Claim URI field and select the local claim URI that was created in Step 4.
  2. Click on the List button under Manage and then OIDC Scopes.
  3. Locate the openid scope and click on Add Claims option.
  4. Click on Add OIDC Claim and select the claim that was created from the dropdown and click on Add.
  5. The Service Provider can now be created. Click on Add under Service Providers and register the service provider with a suitable name.
  6. Expand the Claim Configuration section in the Service Provider and add the claim that was created in Step 4 to the Requested Claims sub-section.
  7. To create permissions specific to an application, expand the Role/Permission Configuration section and expand Permissions.
  8. Click on Add Permission and specify the desired service provider specific permission that you want to add. These permissions would be added to the permission tree under Applications.
  9. Expand the Inbound Authentication Configuration section and then expand the OAuth/OpenID Connect Configuration. Click Configure.
  10. Fill in the callback URL of the application and click on Add
  11. The OAuth Client Key and OAuth Client Secret values will be generated. Copy those values.
  12. Make sure the user has been assigned with the roles that have the required application permissions.

3 - Steps to use the custom claim permission handler

  1. Make an authorization request to WSO2 Identity Server using the /oauth2/token endpoint while ensuring that placeholder text are replaced with the values corresponding to your configuration.
curl -v -X POST --basic -u <OAuth_Client_Key>:<OAuth_Client_Secret> -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' -k -d 'grant_type=password&username=<username_of_user>&password=<password_of_user>&redirect_uri=<redirect_uri>&scope=openid' https://<hostname_of_WSO2_IS>:<port_of_WSO2_IS>/oauth2/token
  1. The response will contain the following items:
    1. access_token
    2. refresh_token
    3. scope
    4. id_token
    5. token_type
    6. expires_in
  2. Copy the id_token response and parse it using a tool like to see the permissions in JSON format. A sample id_token payload will be shown below:
  "at_hash": "IBzF6JjI8bAE8saZwsfyJg",
  "aud": "G6v0WGDSZJZljauwCRoMh_RVAyca",
  "sub": "sanjula",
  "nbf": 1637822052,
  "azp": "G6v0WGDSZJZljauwCRoMh_RVAyca",
  "permissions": {
    "/permission": [
  "amr": [
  "iss": "https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token",
  "exp": 1637825652,
  "iat": 1637822052



Language:Java 100.0%