sanjaybip / stake-ether

Simple dapp to stake ether using hardhat and react

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Stake Ether

This is a complete dapp (decentralized application) that allow anyone to stake ether and earn interest on it. The dapp allow to stake ether for 30, 90, 180 days and earn interest 7%, 10%, 12% respectively. Staker can unstake ether anytime but if he unstake before the unlock date, he will not earn any interest.

For frontend we have use React with bootstarp. To develop our smart contract, we have used hardhat.

It includes contract code, testing and deploy script.

The frontend is in client directory.

Available Scripts

To compile

yarn hardhat compile

To Test

yarn hardhat test

To Run hardhat local network

yarn hardhat node

To Deploy on local hardhat network

yarn hardhat run --network localhost ./scripts/01-deploy.js


Simple dapp to stake ether using hardhat and react


Language:JavaScript 72.4%Language:CSS 12.2%Language:Solidity 10.6%Language:HTML 4.8%