sangram-chavan / playwright-chrome-recorder


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo provides tools to export P Tests from Google Chrome DevTools' Recordings programmatically.


In order to export JSON files from Chrome DevTools Recorder you will need to be on Chrome 101 or newer.

dblClick and rightclick require Chrome 103 or newer.


$ npm install -g playwright-chrome-recorder



To use the interactive CLI, run:

$ npx playwright-chrome-recorder

The CLI will prompt you to enter the path of the directory or file that you would like to modify as well as a path to write the generated playwright tests to.

If you prefer to enter paths via the CLI, you can run the following command to export individual recordings:

$ npx playwright-chrome-recorder <relative path to target test file>

or for folders containing multiple recordings:

$ npx playwright-chrome-recorder <relative path to target test folder>/*.json

By default the output will be written to a playwright folder in the current working directory.

If you prefer a different output directory, specify that via CLI:

$ npx playwright-chrome-recorder <relative path to target test folder>/*.json --output=folder-name

or via the interactive CLI prompts.

CLI Options

Option Description
-f, --force Bypass Git safety checks and force exporter to run
-d, --dry Dry run (no changes are made to files)
-o, --output Output location of the files generated by the exporter
-p, --print Print transformed files to stdout, useful for development

Via Import

import { playwrightStringifyChromeRecording } from 'playwright-chrome-recorder';

const stringifiedContent = await playwrightStringifyChromeRecording(

return stringifiedContent;

Supported Chrome Recorder Step Types

Below are the step types that are currently supported:

Type Description
change becomes page.locator("element").type("text")
click becomes page.locator("element").click();
click (right click) becomes page.locator("element").click({ button: 'right' });
doubleClick becomes page.locator("element").dblclick();
hover becomes page.locator("element").hover();
keyDown becomes page.keyboard.down("{key}")
keyUp not exported at this time
navigate becomes await page.goto("url")
setViewport becomes await page.setViewportSize({ width, height })
scroll becomes await page.mouse.wheel(x, y)

If a step type is not listed above, then a warning message should be displayed in the CLI.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.




Language:TypeScript 79.0%Language:JavaScript 21.0%