sandra-selezen / filmoteka

Responsive website with popular movies displayed on the main page.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Filmoteka is a web application for searching and managing movies. On the Home page, popular movies are displayed, while the My Library page showcases the user's movie library.


  1. Movie Search: There is a search field in the header of the main page where users can enter search queries. The search functionality allows users to find movies by title, year, and genre.

  2. Modal Window Features: Clicking on a movie poster opens a modal window with the following functionality:

  • Add the movie to a watchlist.
  • Add the movie to a watched list.
  • View the movie trailer on YouTube by clicking the "YouTube" button on the movie poster.
  • Display additional movie information.
  1. My Library: Movies added to the watchlist or watched list are accessible on the My Library page.

  2. Responsive Design: The application is designed to be responsive, ensuring it works well on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.

  3. Pagination: Pagination is implemented to display 24 movies per page for a user-friendly experience.

  4. User Registration and Authentication: Users can register and log in to the application.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS / SASS
  • JavaScript
  • REST API (The Movie Database (TMDB) API)
  • Authentication (Firebase)





Responsive website with popular movies displayed on the main page.


Language:JavaScript 31.2%Language:HTML 25.8%Language:SCSS 23.1%Language:CSS 20.0%