sandipbgt /

V2 of

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool is an experimental API Search service to help discover APIs on the web.

The service uses the APIs.json proposed discovery format. To find APIs type in the box.

To get listed follow the instructions in the FAQ and get and give us feedback!


This project is build using Meteor. Meteor is a framework to build web and mobile apps in pure Javascript.

Install your own locally

  1. Install Meteor as described here
  2. Clone repo locally git clone
  3. Rename settings_tpl.json into settings.json and change placeholders values with your own
  4. Launch meteor meteor --settings settings.json
  5. Go to http://localhost:3000/apis/add and submit the sample data from API Evangelist with URL http://localhost:3000/samples/evangelist/apis.json

You will now have one API listed from one Maintainer.


To deploy your own version of is very easy, they are several platform to host Meteor apps.

On Scalingo

Scalingo is a new Heroku-like service coming from Europe, really easy to use and free up to 3 apps.

  1. Create an account on Scalingo.
  2. Install scalingo command line tool link
  3. Login in your scalingo account with the CLI scalingo login
  4. Create a new app scalingo create NAME_OF_MY_APP This will create a new app on Scalingo and add a new remote on your git repo.
  5. Meteor needs a MongoDB instance, add it to your scalingo app scalingo -a NAME_OF_MY_APP addons-add scalingo-mongodb free
  6. Deploy your app with git push scalingo master, your app should now be available at

On Modulus



Check tutorials on how to deploy Meteor apps anywhere with tools like demeteorizer

Understanding Collections

This project uses 3 Meteor collections:

  • APIFiles, to store all info from an apis.json file
  • APIs, to store individual APIs described in an APIFile
  • Maintainers, to store info about Maintainers's API has it own API and the documentation could be found here this let you search for APIs, submit a new APIs.json file and get info about maintainers.

The API is monitored using 3scale API management platform, you are free to use another solution to monitor activity.

Code for the API could be found under /server/api



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Language:JavaScript 72.0%Language:HTML 21.4%Language:CSS 6.6%