sandeepone / hesfic

Content-addressable encrypted storage or something like that

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


"Here, Eat Some Files, Imposturous Cloud!"

Hesfic is a difficult-to-use encrypted content-addressable block file storage
for mirroring. WHAT? Basically, it allows you to take snapshots of your files
and directories and store them as encrypted blocks somewhere (for example, in
the Dropbox directory). Something like Git, but splits large files into smaller
blocks, so that cloud things don't choke when synching them. Oh, and it
also compresses them with Snappy before encrypting.

Hesfic kinda works, but you shouldn't use it yet. It may lose you data.


Hesfic stores encryption keys and configuration in $HOME/.hesfic/ directory.
File "keys" must have 96 random bytes. Hesfic can create it using this command:

  $ hesfic genkeys

File "config" in JSON must contain output directory (where blocks and snapshots
will be stored):

  $ cat <<EOF > ~/.hesfic/config
    "OutPath": "/Users/pupkin/Dropbox/Hesfic"

(Alternatively, you can use different paths for config and keys by specifying
them as command line arguments -config="path/to/cfg" and -keys="path/to/keys").


Creating snapshots

  $ hesfic create /path/to/directory

This will create a snapshot of the given directory. Append --comment="some
text" option to add comment for this snapshot.

Listing snapshots

  $ hesfic list-snapshots

Example output:

  snapshot:     12d2c72a-e5d7cd59-4a819043-50656080-e0a2d686-3add22ce
  date:         Mon, 24 Dec 2012 17:10:24 CET
  source path:  /Users/pupkin/Documents
  root ref:     fbefb02f5fa94cc861c9286f251850de977e0c4319ffe497
  comment:      First snapshot.

"Snapshot" is the unique name of the snapshot.

Listing files inside snapshots

  $ hesfic list-files <snapshot name or directory ref>

Restoring snapshots

  $ hesfic restore <snapshot name or directory ref> /path/to/destination


  $ hesfic verify

Verifies consistency of the store.

Garbage collection

  $ hesfic gc

Garbage collection looks for unused blocks and removes them.


  $ hesfic show-ref <ref>

Outputs content stored under the given ref.


To log perfomed actions, append -log switch.

Web interface

  $ hesfic web [addr:port]

Launches web interface, which allows browsing snapshots and
directories, and (in the future) download files. If addr:port
is zero, listen on localhost:0 (random port).


Rough description:

Files are split into blocks of configurable size (2 MiB by default).  Each
block is hashed with a keyed hash function BLAKE2b (this hash is called a ref
and used to address the block). The content of the block is compressed with
Snappy, padded to the multiple of 512 bytes and encrypted with XSalsa20 and
authenticated with Poly1305 (NaCl's secretbox), and stored somewhere.

If the file consists of a single block, the ref to this block is the ref to the
file itself. If there are two or more blocks, another block is created to store
the array of refs (pointers) to blocks; ref to this file then is the ref to
this block of pointers. Each block has an type indicator: whether it's a data
block or a pointer block.

Directories are stored recursively as JSON files which contain file (or
subdirectory) names and attributes (permissions, size, modification time) and
refs to content. Example:

    { "ModTime" : "2012-12-24T13:32:20+01:00",
      "Mode" : 420,
      "Name" : ".DS_Store",
      "Ref" : "0f70108dc403bdb7c0291e687ad2ada7409202a24d3a7cf2",
      "Size" : 6148
    { "ModTime" : "2012-12-23T17:57:54+01:00",
      "Mode" : 2147484141,
      "Name" : "mruby",
      "Ref" : "cae111449fd206908f10824e9bbc6782cf604b3cef20d6b0",
      "Size" : 986

".DS_Store" is a file, "mruby" is a subdirectory, as indicated by
Mode field. Now if we do

  $ hesfic show-ref cae111449fd206908f10824e9bbc6782cf604b3cef20d6b0

we get the JSON description of "mruby" subdirectory.

Blocks are stored in "blocks" subdirectory of the output directory.

Snapshots are stored in "snapshots" subdirectory. Snapshots are encrypted JSON
files, which store refs to the root directory and additional information about
snapshot (date, source directory path, comment). Snapshots have unique names in
the following format: 8-byte timestamp || 16 random bytes. The name also serves
as a nonce for encryption/authentication.

Keyed hashing, block encryption/authentication, and snapshot
encryption/authentication use separate 256-bit keys.


Content-addressable encrypted storage or something like that