samwhiteiv / fsnd-trivia-api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Full Stack Trivia API

This project is a web app that manages and allows users to play a trivia game, with an API built in Flask and a frontend built in React.

Prerequisites & Installation

  • Local Development, including how to set up the local development environment and run the project locally

Installing PIP Dependencies

Once you have your virtual environment setup and running, install dependencies by navigating to the /backend directory and running:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

This will install all of the required packages we selected within the requirements.txt file.

Key Dependencies
  • Flask is a lightweight backend micro-services framework. Flask is required to handle requests and responses.

  • SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and ORM we'll use handle the lightweight sqlite database. You'll primarily work in and can reference

  • Flask-CORS is the extension we'll use to handle cross origin requests from our frontend server.

Database Setup

With Postgres running, restore a database using the trivia.psql file provided. From the backend folder in terminal run:

psql trivia < trivia.psql

Running the server

From within the backend directory first en sure you are working using your created virtual environment.

To run the server, execute:

export FLASK_APP=flaskr
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run

Setting the FLASK_ENV variable to development will detect file changes and restart the server automatically.

Setting the FLASK_APP variable to flaskr directs flask to use the flaskr directory and the file to find the application.

Full Stack Trivia API Frontend

Getting Setup

Installing Dependencies

This project depends on Nodejs and Node Package Manager (NPM). Before continuing, you must download and install Node (the download includes NPM) from

Installing project dependencies

This project uses NPM to manage software dependencies. NPM Relies on the package.json file located in the frontend directory of this repository. After cloning, open your terminal and run:

npm install

Running Your Frontend in Dev Mode

The frontend app was built using create-react-app. In order to run the app in development mode use npm start. You can change the script in the package.json file.

Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits.

npm start


GET '/categories'

  • Fetches a list/array of categories made up of objects, each with an id and type
  • Request Arguments: None
  • Returns: A list/array of objects with of id and category type

Example: curl http://localhost:5000/categories

    id: 1
    type: "Science", 
    id: 2
    type: "Art", 
    id: 3
    type: "Geography", 
    id: 4
    type: "History", 
    id: 5
    type: "Entertainment", 
    id: 6
    type: "Sports", 

GET '/questions'

  • Fetches a dictionary of questions, paginated in groups of 10.
  • Returns JSON object of categories, questions dictionary with answer, category, difficulty, id and question.

Example: curl http://localhost:5000/questions

    "categories": [
    "current_category": [],
    "questions": [
            "answer": "Apollo 13",
            "category": 5,
            "difficulty": 4,
            "id": 2,
            "question": "What movie earned Tom Hanks his third straight Oscar nomination, in 1996?"
    "success": true,
    "total_questions": 33

DELETE '/questions/int:question_id'

  • Deletes selected question by id
  • Returns 200 if question is successfully deleted.
  • Returns 404 if question did not exist
  • Returns JSON object of deleted id, remaining questions, and length of total questions

Example: curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/question/2

    "deleted_id": 2,
    "questions": [
            "answer": "Tom Cruise",
            "category": 5,
            "difficulty": 4,
            "id": 4,
            "question": "What actor did author Anne Rice first denounce, then praise in the role of her beloved Lestat?"
    "success": true,
    "total_questions": 32

POST '/questions'

  • Creates a new question posted from the form on the react front end.
  • Fields: answer, difficulty and category.
  • Returns a success value and ID of the question.
  • If search field is present will return matching expressions

Example (Create): curl http://localhost:5000/questions -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"question":"Who is Tony Stark?", "answer":"Iron Man", "category":"4", "difficulty":"2"}'

  "success": true, 
  "total_questions": 35

Example (Search):
curl http://localhost:5000/questions/search -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"searchTerm":"Lestat"}'

  "questions": [
      "answer": "Tom Cruise", 
      "category": 5, 
      "difficulty": 4, 
      "id": 4, 
      "question": "What actor did author Anne Rice first denounce, then praise in the role of her beloved Lestat?"
  "success": true, 
  "total_questions": 1

GET '/categories/<cat_id>/questions'

  • Returns JSON response of current_category, and the questions pertaining to that category

Example: curl http://localhost:5000/categories/1/questions

 "current_category": {
    "id": 1, 
    "type": "Science"
  "questions": [
      "answer": "The Liver", 
      "category": 1, 
      "difficulty": 4, 
      "id": 20, 
      "question": "What is the heaviest organ in the human body?"
  "success": true, 
  "total_questions": 6

POST '/play'

  • Generates a quiz based on category or a random selection depending on what the user chooses.

Example: curl http://localhost:5000/play -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"previous_questions":[], "quiz_category":{"type":"Art","id":2}}'

  "question": {
    "answer": "One", 
    "category": 2, 
    "difficulty": 4, 
    "id": 18, 
    "question": "How many paintings did Van Gogh sell in his lifetime?"
  "success": true

Error Handlers

When an error occurs a JSON response is returned

  • Returns these error types when the request fails
    • 400: Bad Request
    • 404: Resource Not Found
    • 422: Not Processable Example for "404: Resource Not Found":
	"success": False,
	"error": 404,
	"message": "Resource Not Found"


To run the tests, run

dropdb trivia_test
createdb trivia_test
psql trivia_test < trivia.psql
  1. Authors

  2. Acknowledgements



Language:JavaScript 50.6%Language:Python 39.8%Language:CSS 5.8%Language:HTML 3.7%Language:Shell 0.1%