samueljklee / frontier-implementation

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Visenze Engineering Quiz - Frontier

By: Samuel Lee

How to run main program:

    docker pull samueljklee/frontier-lee
    docker run -d -p 5000:5000 samueljklee/frontier-lee 
    (Runs in background, feel free to use APIs with the right parameters (shown below))
    (http://localhost:5000/api/v1/schedule [POST])
    (http://localhost:5000/api/v1/next [GET])
    (http://localhost:5000/api/v1/commit [PUT])

How to run unit test: (RESTART frontier-lee before running EACH test files)

    docker restart [container id]
    docker exec [container id] /bin/sh -c "python3"

    docker restart [container id]
    docker exec [container id] /bin/sh -c "python3"

To get container id:

    docker ps -a

To extract log file:

    docker cp [container id]:/frontier-app/frontier.log .



Frontier has been implemented based on the requirements from Visenze Engineering Quiz and based on the architecture according to the paper "High-Performance Web Crawling".

The past few days have been challenging and fun. Learning to implement a data structure challenged me to design a well-structured code. However, after finishing up with the code, I noticed I could have done better on some part of the code which affected the ability to create a unit test for that portion. I did my best to fulfill the requirements and to match the architecture in the paper, I tried to have a few tweaks of my own too. I noticed a bug which I could not find the best solution with the remaining time, so, I made a few "soft fixes" for those bugs. Also, I have implemented a log file to ease debugging, it can be accesssed with the command shown above.



    Flask app. Contains 3 API - schedule, next, commit

    prioritizer --> computes 5 priority level based on recent visit, load time, final page, and white list. Creates unique id for each messages. Add URL data into front_end_queue based on priority value. If Host-Queue Table is empty, initialize it with init_back_end_host_queue_table. 

    front_end_queue_selector --> Randomly chooses a queue with bias to high priority queues. Bias probability = [0.1 0.1 0.15 0.25 0.4].

    extract_hostname_path --> Extracts hostnames (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, GOPHER).

    init_back_end_host_queue_table --> Initialize Host-Queue Table if it's empty.

    back_end_queue_router --> Obtain url from front_end_queue_selector. If hostname exists in Host-Queue Table, append url into table[hostname] and continue refilling back-end queue. If hostname doesn't exists, add it into table and add hostname into priority queue (heap) with the latest timestamp.

    update_priority_queue --> updates priority queue

    back_end_queue_selector --> selects the next message to resolve. If priority queue is empty, calls back_end_queue_router to add new host into queue. If length of *thread dict* = length of Host-Queue Table, this means all hostnames are currently in thread to await for Commit API (2 seconds), then program sleeps for 2 seconds. (Soft fix)(Should have a better way to do this.) Else, pop the top host from heap, return URL data of host, and calls start_commit_message_thread. 

    *thread dict* is a dictionary of information for creating and handling threads. thread[message id] = [ e, t ] e stands for event (to trigger each thread), t stands for threads.

    start_commit_message_thread --> starts threads through wait_commit_message to wait for Commit API. 

    wait_commit_message --> Program will wait for 2 seconds to receive Commit API. If received, pop the first url data from queue of hostname (FIFO). Else, add hostname back into priority queue with timestamp + 30 seconds. Both cases will call commit_ord_not.

    commit_or_not --> Checks for results of thread. If committed (pop url from hostname), check if queue in hostname is empty, if so, call back_end_queue_router to obtain current existing hostnames/ new hostname from front-end. If received new hostname, remove the hostname with empty queue. If not committed, add new hostname (to increase more variaty of hostnames to prevent hostnames from being called continuously).

    commit_message --> Commit API triggers this function to set event of thread dict.

    Tests each API.

    Tests functions.

Schedule API input:

            "url": "", 
            "last_request_at": 1532006053,
            "last_request_time": 1, 
            "final_page": false, 
            "white_list": false

Schedule API output:

            "status": "URL: successfully added into frontier."

Next API output (no input):

            "final_page": false,
            "id": "fd29801d0abfdc0f1ba19c84284f79be",
            "last_request_at": 1532006053,
            "last_request_time": 1,
            "url": "",
            "white_list": false

Commit API input:

            "id": "fd29801d0abfdc0f1ba19c84284f79be"

Commit API output:

            "status": "Successfully commit message id fd29801d0abfdc0f1ba19c84284f79be"



Language:Python 99.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.9%