samuelhbne / proxy-xray

Xray client container with socks5/http/dns proxy and QR code support. Running on x86 and arm/arm64 (Raspberry Pi).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Xray is a low detectable VPN. proxy-xray is a Xray client container that runs Xray with config file generated from command line options directly hence remove the necessity of Xray config modification.

Please have a look over the sibling project server-xray if you'd like to set a Xray server ready first.


How to start proxy-xray container

The following command will:

  1. Export SOCKS, HTTP and DNS service ports of proxy-xray
  2. Start proxy-xray on VLESS-TCP-XTLS mode connect to port 443 with user-id "myid"
  3. All destination sites and IP in China will not been proxied.
  4. Enable China-accessible domains to be resolved in China
$ docker run --name proxy-xray -p 2080:1080 -p 2080:1080/udp -p 8223:8123 -p 65353:53/udp \
-d samuelhbne/proxy-xray --ltx --cn-direct --dns-local-cn


  • Please replace "" with the Xray server domain you want to connect
  • (optional) Please replace 2080 (-p 2080:1080, -p 2080:1080/udp) with the port number you set for SOCKS5 proxy TCP listerning.
  • (optional) Please replace 8223 (-p 8223:8123) with the port number you set for HTTP proxy TCP listerning.
  • (optional) Please replace 65353 (-p 65353:53/udp) with the port number you set for DNS UDP listerning.
  • Please replace "myid" with the id string or standard UUID (like "MyMobile or "b77af52c-2a93-4b3e-8538-f9f91114ba00") you set for Xray server access.


Name query for sites outside China like will be always forwarded to designated DNS like to avoid the contaminated result. Name query for sites inside China like will be forwarded to local DNS servers in China to avoid cross region slow access when "--dns-local-cn" options applied. Otherwise dnsmasq will act as a forward only cache server.

How to verify if proxy tunnel is working properly

$ curl -sSx socks5h://

$ curl -sSx

$ dig +short @ -p 65353

$ docker exec proxy-xray proxychains whois|grep OrgId
[proxychains] config file found: /etc/proxychains/proxychains.conf
[proxychains] preloading /usr/lib/
[proxychains] DLL init: proxychains-ng 4.14
[proxychains] Strict chain  ...  ...  ...  OK
OrgId:          TWITT


  • curl should return the Xray server address given above if SOCKS5/HTTP proxy works properly.
  • dig should return resolved IP recorders of if DNS server works properly.
  • Whois should return "OrgId: TWITT". That means the IP address returned from dig query belongs to indeed, hence untaminated.
  • Whois was actually running inside the proxy container through the proxy tunnel to avoid potential access blocking.

How to get the XRay QR code for mobile connection

$ docker exec -t proxy-xray /
Xray-URL: vless://

QR code example

Full usage

$ docker run --rm samuelhbne/proxy-xray
proxy-xray <connection-options>
    --ltx  <VLESS-TCP-XTLS option>        id@host:port[,]
    --ltt  <VLESS-TCP-TLS option>         id@host:port[,]
    --ltpw <VLESS-TCP-PLAIN-WS option>    id@host:port:/webpath
    --lttw <VLESS-TCP-TLS-WS option>      id@host:port:/webpath[,]
    --ltpg <VLESS-TCP-PLAIN-GRPC option>  id@host:port:svcname
    --lttg <VLESS-TCP-TLS-GRPC option>    id@host:port:svcname[,]
    --mtt  <VMESS-TCP-TLS option>         id@host:port[,]
    --mtpw <VMESS-TCP-PLAIN-WS option>    id@host:port:/webpath
    --mttw <VMESS-TCP-TLS-WS option>      id@host:port:/webpath[,]
    --ttt  <TROJAN-TCP-TLS option>        password@host:port[,]
    --ttpw <TROJAN-TCP-PLAIN-WS option>   password@host:port:/webpath
    --tttw <TROJAN-TCP-TLS-WS option>     password@host:port:/webpath[,]
    -d|--debug                            [Optional] Start in debug mode with verbose output
    -i|--stdin                            [Optional] Read config from stdin instead of auto generation
    --dns <upstream-DNS-ip>               [Optional] Designated upstream DNS server IP, will be applied by default
    --dns-local-cn                        [Optional] Enable China-accessible domains to be resolved in China
    --domain-direct <domain-rule>         [Optional] Add a domain rule for direct routing, likegeosite:geosite:geolocation-cn
    --domain-proxy  <domain-rule>         [Optional] Add a domain rule for proxy routing, like or geosite:google-cn
    --domain-block  <domain-rule>         [Optional] Add a domain rule for block routing, like geosite:category-ads-all
    --ip-direct     <ip-rule>             [Optional] Add a ip-addr rule for direct routing, like or geoip:cn
    --ip-proxy      <ip-rule>             [Optional] Add a ip-addr rule for proxy routing, like or geoip:netflix
    --ip-block      <ip-rule>             [Optional] Add a ip-addr rule for block routing, like geoip:private
    --cn-direct                           [Optional] Add routing rules to avoid domains and IPs located in China being proxied
    --rules-path    <rules-dir-path>      [Optional] Folder path contents geoip.dat, geosite.dat and other rule files

How to stop and remove the running container

$ docker stop proxy-xray
$ docker rm proxy-xray

More complex examples

1. Connect to Vless+TCP+XTLS server

The following instruction connect to port 443 in Vless+TCP+XTLS mode. Connection made via IP address to avoid DNS contamination. TLS servername provided via parameter. All destination sites and IP located in China will not been proxied.

$ docker run --name proxy-xray -p 1080:1080 -p 1080:1080/udp -d samuelhbne/proxy-xray \
--ltx myid@, --cn-direct

2. Connect to Vless+TCP+TLS+Websocket server

The following instruction connect to Xray server port 443 in Vless+TCP+TLS+Websocket mode with given id. All apple-cn sites will be proxied. All sites located in China will not be proxied.

$ docker run --name proxy-xray -p 1080:1080 -d samuelhbne/proxy-xray \
--lttw \
--domain-proxy geosite:apple-cn --domain-direct geosite:geolocation-cn

3. Connect to Vless+TCP+TLS+gRPC server

The following instruction connect to Xray server port 443 in Vless+TCP+TLS+gRPC mode with given password. All sites not located in China will be proxied. You need to escape '!' character in --domain-proxy parameter to be accepted by shell.

$ docker run --name proxy-xray -p 1080:1080 samuelhbne/proxy-xray \
--lttg --domain-proxy geosite:geolocation-\!cn

4. Connect to TCP+TLS+Trojan server

The following instruction connect to Xray server port 443 in TCP+TLS+Trojan mode with given password; Update geosite and geoip rule dat files; All sites and IPs located in Iran will be connected directly.

$ mkdir -p /tmp/rules
$ cd /tmp/rules
$ wget -c -t3 -T30
$ wget -c -t3 -T30
$ wget -c -t3 -T30
$ docker run --name proxy-xray -p 1080:1080 -v /tmp/rules:/opt/rules -d samuelhbne/proxy-xray \
--ttt \
--rules-path /opt/rules --domain-direct ext:iran.dat:ir --ip-direct geoip:ir

5. Start proxy-xray container in debug mode for for connection issue diagnosis

The following instruction start proxy-xray in debug mode. Output Xray config file generated and the Xray log to console for connection diagnosis.

$ docker run --rm -p 1080:1080 samuelhbne/proxy-xray \
--mttw --debug


For more details about routing rules setting up please look into v2ray-rules-dat project (Chinese).

Build proxy-xray docker image matches the current host architecture

$ git clone
$ cd proxy-xray
$ docker build -t samuelhbne/proxy-xray .

Cross-compile docker image for the platforms with different architecture

Please refer the official doc for docker-buildx installation

docker buildx build --platform=linux/arm/v7 --output type=docker -t samuelhbne/proxy-xray:armv7 .
docker buildx build --platform=linux/arm/v6 --output type=docker -t samuelhbne/proxy-xray:armv6 .
docker buildx build --platform=linux/arm64 --output type=docker -t samuelhbne/proxy-xray:arm64 .
docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64 --output type=docker -t samuelhbne/proxy-xray:amd64 .


Thanks to RPRX for the Xray project.

Thanks to Loyalsoldier for the v2ray-rules-dat project.

Thanks to felixonmars for the dnsmasq-china-list project.

Thanks to SamadiPour for the iran-hosted-domains project.


Xray client container with socks5/http/dns proxy and QR code support. Running on x86 and arm/arm64 (Raspberry Pi).

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 93.5%Language:Dockerfile 6.5%