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Dry Fighting Weight - RMX

D1/3/5: c&p + fsq
D2/4[/6]: 20on/20off 200 swings

w1: 1,2,3     / 1 / 2
w2: 1,2,3     / 2 / 3
w3: 1,2,3,4   / 2 / 3
w4: 1,2,3,4,5 / 3 / 3,4
w5: 3x3 / 1rm test / 3x3

The minimum-maximum

Alternate days (M/W/F/Sun/Tue/Thu/Sat...)
D1: heavy squats + light c&P
D2: heavy c&P + light squats

Heavy: 5RM / Light: 10RM

Block A: 15-20' of as many reps of 5 (heavy)
Block B: 15-20' of as many reps of 10 (light)

Run for 6+ weeks, autoregulated

Swing Season

2h swings, 20-30', 26 total workouts, emom

8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 13 -> 14 -> 15 -> 13 -> 14
15 -> 16 -> 17 -> 18 -> 16 -> 17 -> 18 -> 19 -> 20 -> 18-> 19 -> 20 -> 21

The Giant (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 3)

4 weeks, 20-30', M/L/H, clean&press
[10rm]: sets of 6/4/5, 8/6/7, 8/7/9
[5rm]: sets of 2/1/3
finisher: 10/15/20 20on/20off 2h swings or 5' snatch

Full Body Blast

3x week, 25', L/M/H, 12 weeks
C&P [L,R] + Chin ups / Renegade rows + Front squats[L,R]

Phase1: 1,2,3(L) / 1,2,3,4(M) / 1,2,3,4,5(H)
Phase2: 2,3(L) / 2,3,5(M) / 2,3,5,10(H)
off days: 20on/20off swings, mobility

Built Strong Minimalist

- 3x week, 6 weeks, 3 exercises, circuit, rest 60-120s 
- ladders: (4,6) with 10RM / (2,3) with 5RM

- Dice roll: 1 -> 2 sets, 2,3 -> 4 sets, 4,5 -> 6 sets, 6 -> 8 sets
off days: 20on/20off swings, mobility

Total Tension

6 weeks, 3 days a week, ABA-BAB, Clean + Press + Squat + Renegade Row
A: Press Pyramid / B: Squat Pyramid
Pyramid: start 1 rep, up to rep max (perfect form), back to 1 rep
Finisher: press -> 100 swings (10/20) / squat -> 5' snatch test
Progress: same reps 3 sessions, next up by 1-2 reps
Deload: week of variety

Fast Tens

3x week, 6 weeks, rest 1-2'
10-20 reps per set, 50-100 per workout

D1 rxs: (5,10)x2/3/4/3/4/5 - 10x2/3/4/3/4/5
D2 rxs: 5x2/3/4/3/4/5 - 10x2/3/4/3/4/5
D3 rxs: 10x2/3/4/3/4/5 - 5x2/3/4/3/4/5
d1 A: clean&press  / d1 B: swing&fsq
d2 A: snatch&press / d2 B: clean&fsq
d3 A: snatch       / d3 B: fsq&push-press

Moving Target

3x week, clean + press + fsq
1 rep each + 1 target lift, reps 2/3/5 per target, 2 rounds
finish with 3 sets of renegade rows or chin ups + ab wheel
off days: 20on/20off swings, mobility

w1: 235x2, 235x3, 335x2
w2: 335x3, 345x2, 345x3
w3: 445x2, 445x3, 455x2
w4: 455x3, 555x2, 555x3

Outer Limits protocol

select a heavy lift, do one rep every 30''

- ways to modify:
   - time: 10 to 40'
   - emom: 30'' or 60''

Squats WAVE template

L -> 8/10 RM
H -> 5/6 RM

1/33	Mon: L5,H3,H2                                Fri: (L4,H3,H2,H3) x 2	
2/42	Mon: L5,H3,L4,H3                             Fri: (L4,H3,H2) x 3	
3/53	Mon: 4 x L5                                  Fri: L5,H3,L4,H2,H3,L4,L5,H3,L4	
4/22	                  Wed: L5,3 x (H2,H3), H2			
5/44	Mon: L5,L4,H3,L4                             Fri: H3,L5,H3,H2,H3,H2,H3,L4,H3	
6/70	Mon: L5,L4,L5,L4  Wed: L5,H3,H2,L5,H3,L5     Fri: 2 x (L5,H3,H2), L5,L4	
7/56	Mon: L5,L4,L5     Wed: 3 x (H2,H3), H3	      Fri: 4 x (H2,H3),H2,H2	
8/30	Mon: 6 x (H2,H3)                             Fri: L5,L4,H3,H2, TEST 1RM

Soju and Tuba

grease the groove style approach
use a kb 1 size lighter (4kg) than 1RM
18 workouts (3-4 times x week)

1. 4x1
2. 6x1
3. 10x1
4. 12x1
5. 14x1
6. 3x2
7. 4x2
8. 5x2
9. 6x2
10. 7x2
11. 8x2
12. 2x3
13. 3x3
14. 4x3
15. 5x3
16. 6x3
17. 7x3
18. 1 x test set

Some Pat Flynn Complexes

Complex 1
10 to 20' as many sets as possible / 5 rounds of:

8 x single arm snatch, 5 x single arm clean and press, 3 x single arm squat ->
8 x single arm clean and press, 5 x single arm squat, 3 x single arm snatch ->
8 x single arm squat, 5 x single arm snatch, 3 x single arm clean and press

Then switch sides and repeat.
Try not to rest between exercises or sides.
Swing Snatch ladder
10 to 20' as many sets as possible of:

1 swing followed by 1...5 snatch
change sides
1 swins followed by 1...5 snatch
park, repeat
Man Maker 2.0

3 rounds of:
2 double KB Cleans
2 push-ups
1L/1R renegade Row

as many rounds as possible in 20'
Bang For Buck

5 x single arm swing
    single arm clean AND press
    single arm snatch
    single arm squat
1 x (reverse) Turkish get up

Amrap 20'
8-5-3 quadpump (5 rounds as fast as possible)
8 goblet squats
5 start-stop swings
3 pushups

swings/pushups ladders
1 swing, 1 pushup
2 swing, 2 pushup
5 swing, 5 pushup
5 round

Russian Squat Masters

Phase 1 - Volume: 4 weeks, squat twice a week

Workout 1: 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 80% x 2 x 6 sets
Workout 2: 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 80% x 3 x 6 sets
Workout 3: 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 80% x 2 x 6 sets
Workout 4: 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 80% x 4 x 6 sets
Workout 5: 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 80% x 2 x 6 sets
Workout 6: 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 80% x 5 x 6 sets
Workout 7: 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 80% x 2 x 6 sets
Workout 8: 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 80% x 6 x 6 sets

Phase 2 - Intensity: 4 weeks, squat twice a week

Workout 9: 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 80% x 2 x 6 sets
Workout 10: 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 85% x 5 x 5 sets
Workout 11: 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 80% x 2 x 6 sets
Workout 12: 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 90% x 4 x 4 sets
Workout 13: 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 80% x 2 x 6 sets
Workout 14: 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 95% x 3 x 3 sets
Workout 15: 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 80% x 2 x 6 sets
Workout 16: 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 100% x 1, (105% x 1) (110% x 1)
(Attempts in parenthesis are allowed extra PR attempts if the previous attempts were clearly submaximal.)

HIRT for Hypertrophy

- The burn.
Complete 25 heavy kettlebell swings (40-48kg for strong gentlemen; 20-24kg for strong ladies).
These swings should be as powerful as possible.
Once completed shake it off for a minute or two before starting the exercises you do in your ‘rest’ period.

- Ten minutes of rest.
Between sets of swings, you will do presses.
You want your presses to be crisp and powerful. Please don’t grind out your last rep. Leave a rep in the tank on each set. Try to do three sets in that ten minutes:
Minute 2: 7-8 reps at 65% of 1RM
Minute 4: 3 reps at 85% of 1RM
Minute 7: 5-6 reps at 75% of 1RM

Do this program three days a week.
Do low (3 rounds), medium (4 rounds), and heavy (5 rounds) volume throughout the week on this program.
On other training days, you can weight train with squats and pull-ups if doing swings and presses.

You will want to use the above hypertrophy program with one upper and one lower body choice. On alternate days, train the other body movements normally.
Please avoid other glycolytic (the burn) types of exercises while on this program.

Maintain this program for six weeks. Alternate between it and traditional HIRT training to maintain your gains and to keep progressing.