samuel-lucas6 / crypto-secretstream-aegis256

Libsodium's crypto_secretstream using AEGIS-256.

Repository from Github https://github.comsamuel-lucas6/crypto-secretstream-aegis256Repository from Github https://github.comsamuel-lucas6/crypto-secretstream-aegis256


Libsodium's crypto_secretstream using AEGIS-256.


Initialisation doesn't derive a subkey because nonce extension is unnecessary with AEGIS-256 since the nonce is 256 bits. However, this implementation only randomly generates the first 192 bits (n), leaving the remaining 64 bits for an unsigned little-endian counter (i).

n <- CSPRNG(n.Length)
i <- 1

Encryption is also slightly different as it's not possible to pad the tag (T) without storing the encrypted padding. Therefore, the single byte tag is prepended to the message (M). The nonce and counter are also concatenated the other way around because there's no need to conform to the XChaCha20 Internet-Draft.

c || mac <- AEGIS-256(key = k, nonce = n || i, msg = T || M)
n <- n ^ mac[0..24]
i <- i + 1
if i = 0 or T = ChunkFlag.Rekey:

As Libsodium doesn't offer a stream cipher API for AEGIS-256, rekeying requires computing an authentication tag (mac). This data is ignored/discarded because it shouldn't be used for key derivation.

k || n || mac <- AEGIS-256(key = key, nonce = n || i, msg = k || n)
i <- 1

Rekeying occurs when the counter overflows, when ChunkFlag.Rekey is specified, or when the Rekey() method is called. The Rekey() method doesn't store anything, so it must manually be called at the same position in the stream during decryption.


Libsodium's crypto_secretstream using AEGIS-256.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%