samsoldeinstein's repositories
2019-20-Classes - :school_satchel: :computer: Material for Computer Club Classes
Decentralized application based on blockchain technology to provide storage and sharing of encrypted files as well as providing a team collaboration platform for project development.
This website (gyromed) is for helping people to know about disease from which they might be suffering from.
👬 Meet In The Middle
A NodeJs based platform allows you to compile and run codes in various programming languages. One can practice different programming questions based on different difficulty level and tags using proper filters to filter out the questions. It gives the user visual insights about his/her performance of the previous submissions using pie chart. User can make friends and follow other coders around the globe. You can have the discussion with your friends via the chat window. Based on your previous performance one can even upload their own questions or host a contest for others to participate.
Welcome to my PortFolio
An On Demand Video Streaming platform which provides an immersive experience where user can watch all their favourite movies, series and videos.
node.js example
A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies in tech.
codes for my streams and YT videos