samseen / nibss_playground

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Getting Started

This simple application is a Java web application that simulates the NIBSS Instant Paymentss (NIP) transfer operation between bank accounts.

Creating the Database

In the file, set the following properties:

spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/nibss_db spring.datasource.username=#{postgres_user} spring.datasource.password=#{postgres_password} spring.flyway.enabled=true spring.flyway.baselineOnMigration=true spring.flyway.locations=classpath:db/migration server.error.include-message=always

Once the DB is up and running, you will need to start the application by running it (Click the play button, assuming you're using an IDE like IntelliJ).

API Structure

This simple NIBSS API is based on a HTTP/REST architecture. API clients issue HTTP GET requests with parameters specified in the query string and HTTP POST requests with request body in JSON format. API responses use standard HTTP response codes with messages encoded in JSON format.

API Endpoints

Name Description
Create Account Creates a new account that will be used for transactions
Get Accounts Retrieves the available accounts created that can be used for transactions
Bank Transfer Initiates a bank transfer from an account to another bank account
Get Transactions Retrieves a list of transactions that occurred during a particular time

Create Account Request

Request URL:
POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/account/addAccount

Request Body:

    "firstName": "Bolaji",
    "lastName": "Lakoroye",
    "balance": 47780,
    "accountNumber": "6363002001"

Request Parameters:

Name Type Description
firstName string The first name of the user
lastName string The last name of the user
balance double The account balance of the user
accountNumber string The account number of the user

Create Account Response

A successful request will return the following JSON encoded response


    "id": 3,
    "firstName": "Bolaji",
    "lastName": "Lakoroye",
    "balance": 47780.0,
    "accountNumber": "6363002051"

Response Object Fields:

Name Type Description
id long Unique ID used for identifying the account
firstName string The first name of the user
lastName string The last name of the user
balance double The account balance of the user
accountNumber string The account number of the user

Transfer Request

Request URL:
POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/transfers/addTransfer

Request Body:

    "sourceAccount": "6363002051",
    "destinationAccount": "6398589912",
    "amount": 10,
    "description": "Milkose Candy",
    "status": "Successful"

Request Parameters:

Name Type Description
sourceAccount string The account where the money is to be transferred from
destinationAccount string The account where the money is to be sent
amount double The cost of the item to be purchased
description string The narration of what the cost is meant for
status string The condition of the transaction

Create Account Response

A successful request will return the following JSON encoded response


    "id": 17,
    "sourceAccount": "6363002001",
    "destinationAccount": "6398589912",
    "amount": 10.0,
    "description": "Milkose Candy",
    "status": "Successful"

Response Object Fields:

Name Type Description
id long The transaction's identifier in the database
sourceAccount string The account where the money is to be transferred from
destinationAccount string The account where the money is to be sent
amount double The cost of the item to be purchased
description string The narration of what the cost is meant for
status string The condition of the transaction

Get Transaction Request

Request URL:
POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/transactions/getTransactions

Get Transactions Response

A successful request will return the following JSON encoded response


        "id": 1,
        "transactionReference": "trxn01cae440",
        "amount": 5600.0,
        "transactionFee": 28.0,
        "billedAmount": 5628.0,
        "description": "Payment for Petrol",
        "createdDate": "2022-07-03T08:52:52.211517",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "commissionWorthy": true,
        "commission": 0.0
        "id": 7,
        "transactionReference": "trxn09fbd47a-b",
        "amount": 10.0,
        "transactionFee": 0.05,
        "billedAmount": 10.05,
        "description": "Milkose Candy",
        "createdDate": "2022-07-05T21:37:23.126015",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "commissionWorthy": false,
        "commission": 0.01

Response Object Fields:

Name Type Description
id long The transaction's identifier in the database
transactionReference string generated string that uniquely references every transaction request. It cannot be repeated in a new request
amount double The cost of the item to be purchased
transactionFee double The calculated fee of the transaction
billedAmount double The amount that was billed for the transaction
description string The transaction's description
createdDate LocalDateTime The date time the transaction was performed

Create Account Response

A successful request will return the following JSON encoded response


    "id": 17,
    "sourceAccount": "6363002001",
    "destinationAccount": "6398589912",
    "amount": 10.0,
    "description": "Milkose Candy",
    "status": "Successful"

Response Object Fields:

Name Type Description
id long The transaction's identifier in the database
sourceAccount string The account where the money is to be transferred from
destinationAccount string The account where the money is to be sent
amount double The cost of the item to be purchased
description string The narration of what the cost is meant for
status string The condition of the transaction

Get Transactions by Date Request

Request URL:
POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/transactions/fetchTransactionsByDate?startDate=2022-07-04

Request Parameters:

startDate: 2022-07-04

Request Parameters:

Name Description
startDate Starting Date of the transaction

Get Transactions by Date Response

A successful request will return the following JSON encoded response


        "id": 6,
        "transactionReference": "trxn2e69b25d-0",
        "amount": 10.0,
        "transactionFee": 0.05,
        "billedAmount": 10.05,
        "description": "Milkose Candy",
        "createdDate": "2022-07-04T11:04:18.334651",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "commissionWorthy": false,
        "commission": 0.01
        "id": 7,
        "transactionReference": "trxn09fbd47a-b",
        "amount": 10.0,
        "transactionFee": 0.05,
        "billedAmount": 10.05,
        "description": "Milkose Candy",
        "createdDate": "2022-07-05T21:37:23.126015",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "commissionWorthy": false,
        "commission": 0.01

Response Object Fields:

Name Type Description
id long The transaction's identifier in the database
transactionReference string generated string that uniquely references every transaction request. It cannot be repeated in a new request
amount double The cost of the item to be purchased
transactionFee double The calculated fee of the transaction
billedAmount double The amount that was billed for the transaction
description string The transaction's description
createdDate LocalDateTime The date time the transaction was performed
status string Condition of the transaction
commissionWorthy boolean The date time the transaction was performed

Get Transactions by Parameters Request

Request URL:
POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/transactions/fetchTransactions?commissionWorthiness=true&status=SUCCESSFUL

Request Parameters:

commissionWorthiness: false

Request Parameters:

Name Description
commissionWorthiness State of the commission
status The condition of the transaction

Get Transactions Response

A successful request will return the following JSON encoded response


        "id": 6,
        "transactionReference": "trxn2e69b25d-0",
        "amount": 10.0,
        "transactionFee": 0.05,
        "billedAmount": 10.05,
        "description": "Milkose Candy",
        "createdDate": "2022-07-04T11:04:18.334651",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "commissionWorthy": false,
        "commission": 0.01
        "id": 7,
        "transactionReference": "trxn09fbd47a-b",
        "amount": 10.0,
        "transactionFee": 0.05,
        "billedAmount": 10.05,
        "description": "Milkose Candy",
        "createdDate": "2022-07-05T21:37:23.126015",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "commissionWorthy": false,
        "commission": 0.01

Response Object Fields:

Name Type Description
id long The transaction's identifier in the database
transactionReference string generated string that uniquely references every transaction request. It cannot be repeated in a new request
amount double The cost of the item to be purchased
transactionFee double The calculated fee of the transaction
billedAmount double The amount that was billed for the transaction
description string The transaction's description
createdDate LocalDateTime The date time the transaction was performed
status string Condition of the transaction
commissionWorthy boolean The date time the transaction was performed

Get Transactions by Parameters Details

Request URL:

Request Parameters:

startDate: 2022-07-04
endDate: 2022-07-04
commissionWorthiness: true

Request Parameters:

Name Description
startDate Starting date of the transaction
endDate Ending date of the transaction
commissionWorthiness true

Get Transactions Response

A successful request will return the following JSON encoded response


        "id": 6,
        "transactionReference": "trxn2e69b25d-0",
        "amount": 10.0,
        "transactionFee": 0.05,
        "billedAmount": 10.05,
        "description": "Milkose Candy",
        "createdDate": "2022-07-04T11:04:18.334651",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "commissionWorthy": true,
        "commission": 0.01
        "id": 1,
        "transactionReference": "trxn01cae440",
        "amount": 5600.0,
        "transactionFee": 28.0,
        "billedAmount": 5628.0,
        "description": "Payment for Petrol",
        "createdDate": "2022-07-03T08:52:52.211517",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "commissionWorthy": true,
        "commission": 0.0
        "id": 7,
        "transactionReference": "trxn09fbd47a-b",
        "amount": 10.0,
        "transactionFee": 0.05,
        "billedAmount": 10.05,
        "description": "Milkose Candy",
        "createdDate": "2022-07-05T21:37:23.126015",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "commissionWorthy": true,
        "commission": 0.01

Response Object Fields:

Name Type Description
id long The transaction's identifier in the database
transactionReference string generated string that uniquely references every transaction request. It cannot be repeated in a new request
amount double The cost of the item to be purchased
transactionFee double The calculated fee of the transaction
billedAmount double The amount that was billed for the transaction
description string The transaction's description
createdDate LocalDateTime The date time the transaction was performed
status string Condition of the transaction
commissionWorthy boolean The date time the transaction was performed



Language:Java 100.0%