samrith-s / nearest-neighbour

A simple nearest neighbour solution in TypeScript

Repository from Github https://github.comsamrith-s/nearest-neighbourRepository from Github https://github.comsamrith-s/nearest-neighbour

Nearest Neighbour

A simple nearest neighbour solution in TypeScript.

Table of contents

Problem statement

Write a program which:

  • reads the description of the bitmap from the standard input
  • for each pixel, computes the distance to the nearest white
  • writes the results to the standard output


A rectangular bitmap with only black and white pixels. Atleast ONE pixel is white. All black pixels are represented by 0 and whites by 1.

  • Size: n * m
  • Size constraints:: 1<=n <=182, 1<=m<=182
  • Pixel: p(i,j)
  • Distance formula: d(p1,p2) = |i1-i1|+|j1-j2|

Other considerations

Since the problem does not explicitly mention how to find the nearest neighbour, this program addresses two solutions based on the example output provided.

Solution 1

The first solution scans within the same row and tries to find the closest white pixel, like so:

solution one

Solution 2

The second solution scans in all four directions and tries to find the closest white pixel, like so:

solution two


  • yarn dev:one - Run the first solution in dev mode
  • yarn dev:two - Run the second solution in dev mode
  • yarn build - Build both solutions
  • yarn start:one < path/to/file.txt - Run the production build using solution one
  • yarn start:two < path/to/file.txt - Run the production build using solution two
  • yarn lint - Lint all files and check for errors
  • yarn test - Run all test suites
  • yarn test:generate - Generate a random new input file in the generated folder


All the various input files are located tests/inputs folder. You can optionally generate a random file and run it against any solution


A simple nearest neighbour solution in TypeScript

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 73.2%Language:JavaScript 26.2%Language:Shell 0.6%