samply / ecdc_central_server

Locator for ECDC/EHDS2, includes Lens, Spot and Beam proxy.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ECDC Locator

The Locator provides a GUI and a backend for running antibiotic-resistance-related queries against national nodes that have installed the Bridgehead.

The GUI is called Lens, the backend is called Spot.


The data protection group at your site will probably want to know exactly what our software does with patient data, and you may need to get their approval before you are allowed to install these components.


Hardware requirements strongly depend on the specific use-cases of your network as well as on the data it is going to serve. Most use-cases are well-served with the following configuration:

  • 2 CPU cores
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 100GB Hard Drive, SSD recommended


You are strongly recommended to install the components under a Linux operating system (but see the section Non-Linux OS). You will need root (administrator) priveleges on this machine in order to perform the deployment. We recommend the newest Ubuntu LTS server release.

Ensure the following software (or newer) is installed:

  • git >= 2.0
  • docker >= 20.10.1
  • docker-compose >= 2.xx (docker-compose and docker compose are both supported).

We recommend to install Docker(-compose) from its official sources as described on the Docker website.

📝 Note for Ubuntu: Snap versions of Docker are not supported.


You will need to establish URLs for Lens and Spot (in the same domain, to avoid CORS problems). This may entail registering the URLs and setting up DNS.

The following URLs need to be accessible on the machine hosting the Locator (prefix with https://):

  • To fetch code and configuration from git repositories
  • To fetch docker images
    • Official Docker, Inc. URLs (subject to change, see official list)
  • To report operational status
  • Beam
    • Beam broker URL

📝 Ubuntu's pre-installed uncomplicated firewall (ufw) is known to conflict with Docker, more info here.


Base Installation

Clone this repository:

sudo mkdir -p /srv/docker/
cd /srv/docker
sudo git clone
sudo git clone
cd lens
sudo git checkout ehds2
sudo vi packages/demo/src/AppECDC.svelte # Search for "backendConfig", replace URL with Spot URL for your site, replace backends with Spot's Beam ID
docker build -t samply/lens --no-cache .
cd /srv/docker/ecdc_central_server
sudo mkdir -p letsencrypt conf/pki
sudo vi .env # Modify to set correct values of Lens and Spot endpoints
sudo vi env.beam # Set the correct value for BROKER_ID
sudo vi # Set the correct value for BROKER_ID

Register with Samply.Beam

You will need to enroll with your Beam, using te enroll software.

cd /srv/docker/ecdc_central_server
sudo docker run --rm -ti -v ./conf/pki:/etc/bridgehead/pki samply/beam-enroll:latest --output-file /etc/bridgehead/pki/ecdc-locator.priv.pem --proxy-id $PROXY_ID

PROXY_ID is the full ID of the Beam proxy for the Locator, consult env.beam.

Now, log on to the VM where Beam is running and perform the following (you will need root permissions):

cd /srv/docker/beam-broker
sudo mkdir -p csr
sudo vi csr/ecdc-locator.csr # Copy and paste the certificate printed during the enroll
export HTTP_PROXY=""
export HTTPS_PROXY=""
sudo pki-scripts/managepki sign --csr-file csr/ecdc-locator.csr

Replace with your Beam broker ID.

You can check that the Locator has connected to Beam with the following command:

pki-scripts/managepki list

Starting and stopping

To start, run

cd /srv/docker/ecdc_central_server
docker-compose up -d

To stop, run

cd /srv/docker/ecdc_central_server
docker-compose down

Once the components are running, you can also view the individual Docker processes with:

docker ps

There should be 3 Docker proceses. If there are fewer, then you know that something has gone wrong. To see what is going on, run:

Once the components have passed these checks, take a look at the landing page:


You can either do this in a browser or with curl. If you visit the URL in the browser, you will neet to click through several warnings, because you will initially be using a self-signed certificate. With curl, you can bypass these checks:

curl -k https://localhost

If you get errors when you do this, you need to use docker logs to examine your landing page container in order to determine what is going wrong.

Site-specific configuration

Non-Linux OS

The installation procedures described above have only been tested under Linux.

Below are some suggestions for getting the installation to work on other operating systems. Note that we are not able to provide support for these routes!

We believe that it is likely that installation would also work with FreeBSD and MacOS.

Under Windows, you have 2 options:

  • Virtual machine
  • WSL

We have tested the installation procedure with an Ubuntu 22.04 guest system running on WSL. That worked flawlessly for HTTP, ran into CORS problems with HTTPS.


Docker Daemon Proxy Configuration

Docker has a background daemon, responsible for downloading images and starting them. Sometimes, proxy configuration from your system won't carry over and it will fail to download images. In that case, you'll need to configure the proxy inside the system unit of docker by creating the file /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/proxy.conf with the following content:


After saving the configuration file, you'll need to reload the system daemon for the changes to take effect:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

and restart the docker daemon:

sudo systemctl restart docker

For more information, please consult the official documentation.


Copyright 2019 - 2024 The Samply Community

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Locator for ECDC/EHDS2, includes Lens, Spot and Beam proxy.